ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


(b) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, including the availability of the Parent Termination Fee or other monetary damages, remedy or award, it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the Company shall be entitled to specific performance or other equitable remedy to enforce Parent and Acquisition Sub’s obligations to cause the Equity Investor to fund the Equity Financing, or to enforce the Equity Investor’s obligation to fund the Equity Financing directly, and to consummate the Closing if and for so long as, (i) all of the conditions set forth in Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 (other than those conditions that are to be satisfied at the Closing; provided, that such conditions are capable of being satisfied if the Closing were to occur at such time) have been satisfied or waived and Parent has failed to consummate the Closing on the date required pursuant to the terms of Section 2.2, (ii) the Debt Financing (or, as applicable, the Alternative Financing) has been funded or will be funded at the Closing if the Equity Financing is funded at the Closing, and (iii) the Company has confirmed that, if specific performance or other equity remedy is granted and the Equity Financing and Debt Financing are funded, then the Closing will occur. For the avoidance of doubt, (A) while the Company may concurrently seek (x) specific performance or other equitable relief, subject to the terms of this Section 9.9, and (y) payment of the Parent Termination Fee or other monetary damages, remedy or award if, as and when required pursuant to this Agreement), under no circumstances shall the Company be permitted or entitled to receive both a grant of specific performance to cause the Equity Financing to be funded, on the one hand, and payment of the Parent Termination Fee or other monetary damages, remedy or award, on the other hand; provided, however, that in no event shall the Company be permitted or entitled to receive aggregate monetary damages in excess of the Parent Termination Fee (except in all cases that Parent shall also be obligated with respect to its expense reimbursement and indemnification obligations contained in Section 6.11 and its applicable obligations under Section 8.3(d)(iii) and Section 8.6(b)).
【参考訳】(b) 本契約に反する場合やParent Termination Feeまたはその他の金銭的損害、救済、または賞が利用可能である場合を含む、何らかの規定に反するものとは異なり、以下のことを認識し合意します。すなわち、Companyは、Equity InvestorにEquity Financingの資金提供を義務付けるParentおよびAcquisition Subの義務を具体的履行またはその他の衡平的救済によって強制する権利を有し、またはEquity Financingの直接の資金提供義務を具体的履行またはその他の衡平的救済によって強制する権利を有すること、およびClosingを履行する権利を有することになります。具体的には、(i) セクション7.1およびセクション7.2の条件(Closingで満たされるべき条件を除く; ただし、その条件がその時点で満たされる可能性がある場合)が満たされたか放棄され、Parentがセクション2.2の規定に従って指定された日にClosingを履行しなかった場合、(ii) Debt Financing(または適用される場合はAlternative Financing)が資金提供されたかClosingで資金提供される場合、および(iii) Companyが具体的履行または他の衡平的救済が認められ、Equity FinancingとDebt Financingが資金提供される場合、Closingが行われることを確認した場合、具体的履行または他の衡平的救済が与えられるかもしれません。明確にするために、(A) Companyは(x)具体的履行または他の衡平的救済を要求し(このセクション9.9の条件に従って)、(y)必要に応じて本契約に従って要求される場合にはParent Termination Feeまたはその他の金銭的損害、救済、または賞の支払いの両方を受けることはできません。ただし、いかなる場合でも、CompanyはParent Termination Feeを超える金銭的損害の合計を受け取ることはできません(セクション6.11およびセクション8.3(d)(iii)およびセクション8.6(b)の適用義務がある場合を除く)。


