AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


(c) by the Company:
(i) if Parent, Acquisition Sub or the Equity Investor shall have breached or failed to perform any of their respective representations, warranties, covenants or other agreements set forth in this Agreement, which breach or failure to perform (A) would give rise to the failure of any condition set forth in Section 7.3(a) or Section 7.3(b) and (B) is not capable of being cured, or is not cured, by Parent, Acquisition Sub or the Equity Investor on or before the earlier of (x) the Termination Date and (y) the date that is thirty (30) calendar days following the Company’s delivery of written notice to Parent, Acquisition Sub or the Equity Investor, as applicable, of such breach; provided, however, that the Company shall not have the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 8.1(c)(i) if the Company is then in material breach of any of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements hereunder;
(ii) if the Company Board shall have authorized the Company to enter into a definitive agreement with respect to a Superior Proposal; provided that, substantially concurrently with such termination, the Company enters into such definitive agreement and pays (or causes to be paid) at the direction of Parent the Termination Fee as specified in Section 8.3(a); or
(iii) if (A) the conditions set forth in Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 (other than those conditions that by their nature are to be satisfied at the Closing, which conditions are capable of being satisfied if the Closing were to occur at such time) have been satisfied or waived in accordance with this Agreement and Parent and Acquisition Sub shall have been notified in writing of the same, (B) Parent and Acquisition Sub fail to consummate the Merger within three (3) Business Days following the date on which the Closing should have occurred pursuant to Section 2.2 and (C) during such three (3)-Business Days period described in clause (B), the Company stood ready, willing and able to consummate the Merger and the other transactions contemplated hereby;
【参考訳】(c) 会社によって:
(i) Parent、Acquisition Sub、またはEquity Investorが本契約に規定される各自の表明、保証、契約、またはその他の合意を履行せず、または違反した場合で、その違反または履行不履行が(A)セクション7.3(a)またはセクション7.3(b)に規定される条件の不履行を引き起こし、かつ(B)Parent、Acquisition Sub、またはEquity Investorが、会社が当該違反について書面で通知を行った日から(x)解除日または(y)当該違反の通知後30日以内に修復できない場合;ただし、会社は、本契約における表明、保証、契約、または合意のいずれかに重大な違反を行っている場合、本セクション8.1(c)(i)に基づき本契約を解除する権利を有しない;
(ii) 会社の取締役会が優越的な提案に関する確定契約に入ることを承認した場合;ただし、当該解除と同時に、会社は当該確定契約に入り、セクション8.3(a)に規定された解除料をParentの指示に従って支払う(または支払わせる)こと;
(iii) もし、セクション7.1およびセクション7.2の条件(ただし、クロージング時に満たされることができる条件を除く。その場合、当該時間にクロージングが行われた場合に満たされることができる)が本契約に従って満たされ、ParentとAcquisition Subが書面でその旨を通知された場合、および(B)ParentとAcquisition Subがセクション2.2に従ってクロージングが行われるべき日から3営業日以内にMergerを実施せず、(C)当該(B)の期間中、会社がMergerおよび本契約によって規定される他の取引を実施する準備ができ、実施可能である場合;


