AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


Section 6.1 Conduct of Business by the Company Pending the Merger.
The Company covenants and agrees that, between the date of this Agreement and the earlier of the Effective Time and the date, if any, on which this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8.1, except (a) as may be required by Law, (b) as may be agreed to in writing by Parent (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned), (c) as may be expressly required or permitted pursuant to this Agreement, or (d) as set forth in Section 6.1 of the Company Disclosure Letter, (x) the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to conduct the business of the Company and its Subsidiaries in the ordinary course of business (except with respect to actions or omissions that constitute COVID-19 Measures), and to the extent consistent therewith, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to preserve substantially intact the material components of its current business organization, and to preserve in all material respects its present relationships with key customers, suppliers and other Persons with which it has material business relations; provided that no action by the Company or its Subsidiaries with respect to the matters specifically addressed by any provision of this Section 6.1 shall be deemed a breach of this sentence, unless such action would constitute a breach of such relevant provision; and (y) the Company shall not, and shall not permit any of its Subsidiaries to (except for actions or omissions that constitute COVID-19 Measures, following reasonable prior consultation with Parent):
(a) amend or otherwise change, in any material respect, the Company Certificate of Incorporation or the Company Bylaws (or, except in the ordinary course of business, such equivalent organizational or governing documents of any of its Subsidiaries);
(b) split, combine, reclassify, redeem, repurchase or otherwise acquire or amend the terms of any capital stock or other equity interests or rights (except in connection with (i) the acceptance of shares of Company Common Stock as payment for the per share exercise price of the Company Options or as payment for Taxes incurred in connection with the exercise, vesting and/or settlement of Company Equity Awards, in each case, in accordance with the applicable Company Benefit Plan, (ii) the forfeiture of Company Equity Awards), (iii) pursuant to the exercise of purchase rights under the Company ESPP or (iv) pursuant to other than the Company ASR Confirmations and the Company Bond Hedge Transactions;
(c) except as permitted pursuant to Section 6.1(f), issue, sell, pledge, dispose, encumber or grant any shares of its or its Subsidiaries’ capital stock or other equity interests, or any options, warrants, convertible securities or other rights of any kind to acquire any shares of its or its Subsidiaries’ capital stock or equity interests except for transactions among the Company and its direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries or among the Company’s direct or indirect wholly owned Subsidiaries; provided, however, that the Company may issue shares of Company Common Stock upon the exercise of any Vested Company Option or payment of any other Company Equity Award that becomes vested, pursuant to the exercise of purchase rights under the Company ESPP or to satisfy any obligations under the Existing Convertible Notes;
(d) other than any shares of the Company Common Stock issuable upon conversion of any series of Existing Convertible Notes in accordance with their terms, authorize, declare, pay or make any dividend or other distribution, payable in cash, stock, property or otherwise, with respect to the Company’s or any of its Subsidiaries’ capital stock or other equity interests, other than dividends paid by any Subsidiary of the Company to the Company or any wholly owned Subsidiary of the Company;
(e) except as required pursuant to existing Company Benefit Plans, (i) increase the compensation payable or to become payable or benefits provided or to be provided to any Company Service Provider except for increases in cash compensation or benefits to Company Service Providers in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, (ii) grant or provide any severance or termination payments or benefits to any Company Service Provider other than the payment of severance amounts or benefits in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice and subject to the execution and non-revocation of a release of claims in favor of the Company and its Subsidiaries, (iii) provide any obligation to gross-up, indemnify or otherwise reimburse any Company Service Provider for any Tax incurred by any such individual, including under Section 409A or 4999 of the Code, (iv) accelerate the time of payment or vesting of, or the lapsing of restrictions related to, or fund or otherwise secure the payment of, any compensation or benefits (including any equity or equity-based awards) to any Company Service Provider, or (v) establish, amend or terminate any Company Benefit Plan (or any plan, program, arrangement or agreement that would be a Company Benefit Plan if it were in existence on the date hereof) other than (x) entry into, amendment or termination of any Company Benefit Plan in a manner that would not materially increase costs to the Company, Parent or the Surviving Corporation or any of their affiliates, or materially increase the benefits provided under any Company Benefit Plan or (y) new hire offer letters entered into in the ordinary course and consistent with past practices;
(f) except in the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practice (including with regard to aggregate grant date value, terms and allocation) or as may be required by the terms of a Company Benefit Plan in effect as of the date hereof, grant, confer or award any Company Equity Awards or other equity-based awards, convertible securities or any other rights to acquire any of its or its Subsidiaries’ capital stock, whether settled in cash or shares of Company Common Stock;
(g) unless required by Law or pursuant to existing written Company Benefit Plans, (i) enter into or materially amend any collective bargaining or other labor agreement with any labor organization or (ii) recognize or certify any labor organization or group of employees as the bargaining representative for any employees of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries;
(i) (i) acquire (including by merger, consolidation, or acquisition of stock or assets), except in respect of any merger, consolidation, business combination among the Company and its wholly owned Subsidiaries or among the Company’s wholly owned Subsidiaries, any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, other business organization or any division or material amount of assets thereof, or (ii) sell, lease, license, abandon or otherwise subject to a Lien other than a Permitted Lien or otherwise dispose of any material properties, rights or assets of the Company or its Subsidiaries other than (A) sales of inventory in the ordinary course of business, (B) licenses of Company Intellectual Property in the ordinary course of business, or (C) pursuant to agreements existing as of the date of this Agreement or entered into after the date of this Agreement in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
(j) incur, or amend in any material respect the terms of, any indebtedness for borrowed money for any of its Subsidiaries, or assume or guarantee any such indebtedness for any Person (other than a Subsidiary), except for indebtedness incurred (i) under the Company’s existing credit facilities or incurred to replace, renew, extend, refinance or refund any existing indebtedness of the Company or its Subsidiaries on terms and conditions not materially less favorable to the Company and its Subsidiaries than, taken as a whole, the terms or conditions of the replaced, renewed, extended, refinanced or refunded debt or otherwise are not inconsistent with prevailing market conditions for substantially similar indebtedness at such time, as determined by the Company in good faith, (ii) pursuant to other agreements in effect prior to the execution of this Agreement, (iii) under capital leases, purchase money financing, equipment financing and letters of credit in the ordinary course of business, (iv) between or among the Company and/or any of its Subsidiaries or (v) otherwise in the ordinary course of business;
(k) enter into, or amend in any material respect, any Company Material Contract with a term longer than one (1) year which cannot be terminated without material penalty upon notice of ninety (90) days or less other than (x) in the ordinary course of business or (y) which would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect;
(l) make any material change to its methods of accounting in effect at December 31, 2021, except (i) as required by GAAP (or any interpretation thereof), Regulation S-X or a Governmental Authority or quasi-Governmental Authority (including the Financial Accounting Standards Board or any similar organization), (ii) to permit the audit of the Company’s financial statements in compliance with GAAP, (iii) as required by a change in applicable Law, (iv) as disclosed in the Company SEC Documents or (v) to the extent that such change would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect;
Section 6.1 Conduct of Business by the Company Pending the Merger.(m) make or change any Tax election or accounting method, settle or compromise any Tax claim or assessment, file any amended Tax Return, or consent to any extension or waiver of any limitation period with respect to any Tax claim or assessment, except, in each case, that would not have a Company Material Adverse Effect;
(n) solely with respect to the Company, adopt or enter into a plan of complete or partial liquidation or dissolution;
(o) settle or compromise any litigation other than (i) in the ordinary course of business or (ii) settlements or compromises of litigation where the amount paid (less the amount reserved for such matters by the Company or otherwise covered by insurance) in settlement or compromise, in each case, does not exceed $25 million;
(p) adopt a stockholder rights plan (or other similar agreement, plan or arrangement having a similar intent, purpose or effect) that would be triggered (or whose rights would be affected in any way) by the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, including the Merger; or
(q) except as otherwise permitted by clauses (a) through (p) above, enter into any agreement to do any of the foregoing.
会社は、本契約の締結日と効力発生日、または本契約が第8.1項に基づき解除される日(存在する場合)のいずれか早い日まで、(a)法律によって要求される場合、(b)親会社によって書面で合意される場合(この同意は不当に拒否、遅延、または条件付けされるべきではない)、(c)本契約に明示的に要求または許可される場合、または(d)会社開示書の第6.1項に規定されている場合を除き、(x)会社は商業上合理的な努力を用いて、(COVID-19対策としての行為または怠慢を除く)会社およびその子会社の事業を通常の業務として実施するための商業上合理的な努力を行います。 これに照らし合わせ、会社は現行の事業組織の主要な構成要素を実質的に維持し、主要な顧客、サプライヤー、およびその他の関係者との現在の関係を実質的に維持するための商業上合理的な努力を行います。ただし、本項の各規定に明示的に取り扱われている事項に関して、会社またはその子会社によるいかなる行為も、当該関連規定の違反でない限り、本文の違反と見なされません。また、(y)会社は、COVID-19対策としての行為または怠慢を除く場合において、会社またはその子会社が次の事項を行うことを許可しません。ただし、事前に親会社との合理的な協議に従います。











(l)2021年12月31日時点の適用されている会計方法に対する重要な変更を行うことはありません(ただし、米国一般会計原則(またはその解釈)、Regulation S-X、政府機関または準政府機関(米国公認会計基準委員会またはその他の類似する組織を含む)によって要求される場合、監査を実施するために会社の財務諸表を許容するために、適用される法律の変更による場合、会社のSEC文書で開示されている場合、または会社の重大な不利益をもたらさない場合を除きます。







