AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


Section 6.6 Directors’ and Officers’ Indemnification and Insurance.(a) Parent and Acquisition Sub agree that all rights to exculpation and indemnification for acts or omissions occurring at or prior to the Effective Time, whether asserted or claimed prior to, at or after the Effective Time (including any matters arising in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement), now existing in favor of the current or former directors, officers and employees, if any (the foregoing persons, the “D&O Indemnified Parties”), as the case may be, of the Company or its Subsidiaries as provided in their respective organizational documents as in effect on the date of this Agreement or in any Contract shall survive the Merger and shall continue in full force and effect. The Surviving Corporation shall (and Parent shall cause the Surviving Corporation to) indemnify, defend and hold harmless, and advance expenses to D&O Indemnified Parties with respect to all acts or omissions by them in their capacities as such at any time prior to the Effective Time (including any matters arising in connection with this Agreement or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement), to the fullest extent that the Company or its Subsidiaries would be permitted by applicable Law and to the fullest extent required by the organizational documents of the Company or its Subsidiaries as in effect on the date of this Agreement. Parent shall cause the certificate of incorporation, bylaws or other organizational documents of the Surviving Corporation and its Subsidiaries to contain provisions with respect to exculpation, indemnification, advancement of expenses and limitation of director, officer and employee liability that are no less favorable to the D&O Indemnified Parties than those set forth in the Company’s and its Subsidiaries’ organizational documents as of the date of this Agreement, which provisions thereafter shall not, for a period of six (6) years from the Effective Time, be amended, repealed or otherwise modified in any manner that would adversely affect the rights thereunder of the D&O Indemnified Parties.
(a) ParentおよびAcquisition Subは、本効力発生時またはその前に発生した行為または不作為に関して現在またはかつての取締役、役員、従業員(以下、合わせて「D&O Indemnified Parties」という)に対して現行の組織文書に規定されている現在の免責および補償権利(本契約に基づく取引に関連する事項を含む)が、本合併を生き残り、完全な効力を有することを合意します。Surviving Corporationは(ParentはSurviving Corporationに対して)本効力発生前のいかなる時点でD&O Indemnified Partiesによる役職としての行為または不作為に関して、適用法により許可される範囲および本契約の効力発生日におけるCompanyまたはその子会社の組織文書で必要とされている範囲で、免責し、補償し、費用を前払いするものとします。Parentは、Surviving Corporationおよびその子会社の定款、社内規定またはその他の組織文書に、D&O Indemnified Partiesの権利を本契約の日付におけるCompanyおよびその子会社の組織文書で規定されているものと同等かそれ以上に有利な免責、補償、費用前払いおよび取締役、役員および従業員の責任制限の規定を含めることとし、その規定は効力発生後6年間、D&O Indemnified Partiesの権利を不利に影響するような方法で修正または撤回されないものとします。


