AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


(b) The Equity Investor, Parent and Acquisition Sub agree to take promptly any and all steps necessary to avoid or eliminate each and every impediment and obtain all Consents, actions, non-actions, approvals or waivers (or, as applicable, expiration or termination of the waiting periods with respect thereto) under any Antitrust Laws, Foreign Investment Laws (or, as applicable, expiration or termination of the waiting periods with respect thereto) or other Law that may be required by any foreign or U.S. federal, state or local Governmental Authority, in each case, with competent jurisdiction, so as to enable the parties to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including the Merger, as promptly as practicable, but prior to the Termination Date, including committing to or effecting, by consent decree, hold separate orders, trust, or otherwise, (i) the sale or other disposition of such assets or businesses as are required to be divested or (ii) the acceptance of restrictions on freedom of action, conduct, or operations with respect to the business of Company, in the case of the foregoing clauses (i) or (ii) in order to avoid the entry of, or to effect the dissolution of or vacate or lift, any Order, that would otherwise have the effect of preventing or materially delaying the consummation of the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement as promptly as practicable. Further, the Equity Investor, Parent and Acquisition Sub will take such actions as are necessary in order to ensure that (x) no requirement for any non-action by, or Consent or approval of, any foreign or U.S. federal, state or local Governmental Authority, (y) no decree, judgment, injunction, temporary restraining order or any other Order in any suit or proceeding and (z) no other matter relating to any Antitrust Laws or Foreign Investment Laws, would preclude consummation of the Merger by the Termination Date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in Section 6.3(a), Section 6.3(b) (including with respect to the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii)), or any other part of this Agreement shall require or obligate Parent, Acquisition Sub, or any of their respective Affiliates to (xx) propose, take, or agree to take any actions that would individually or in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the business, assets, or financial condition of the Company and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole or (yy) propose, negotiate, effect or agree to, the sale, divestiture, lease, license, hold separate, transfer, or disposition of, or any restriction on the freedom of action with respect to, any assets, business, or equity holdings of, or held or controlled directly or indirectly by, Equity Investor or any Affiliate of Parent (other than Parent, Acquisition Sub or Company after giving effect to the Merger and subject to the restrictions in subpart (xx) of this paragraph).
【参考訳】(b) Equity Investor、親会社、買収子会社は、合併を可能な限り迅速に達成するため、および終結日前に、外国または米国の連邦、州、地方のいずれかの政府機関が必要とするAntitrust Laws、外国投資法またはその他の法律の下で必要となる、すべての妨げを回避または除去し、すべての同意、行動、非行動、承認または免除を取得します(または、該当する場合はその対象の待機期間の満了または終了)。これには、次のことを含みます:(i) 譲渡または売却が必要な資産または事業の譲渡、または(ii) Companyの事業に対する行動、行為、または運営の制約を受け入れることにより、Orderの入力を回避し、解消または解除し、合併および本契約によって予定される他の取引の完了を可能にするための措置(前述の(i)または(ii)の場合)。さらに、Equity Investor、親会社、および買収子会社は、(x) 外国または米国の連邦、州、地方の政府機関による、(y) いかなる訴訟または手続きにおける任意の非行動、同意、または承認、および(z) Antitrust Lawsまたは外国投資法に関連するその他の事項によって、終結日までに合併の完了が妨げられることはないように、必要な措置を講じます。ただし、本項6.3(a)、6.3(b)(前述の(i)および(ii)を含む)または本契約のその他の部分には、Parent、Acquisition Sub、またはその関連会社が行うという要件または義務を含めて、(xx) Companyおよびその子会社全体の事業、資産、財務状態に重大な影響を及ぼす可能性のあるいかなる行動も提案したり、実施することを要求または同意することを要求するものではありません。また、(yy)Equity Investorまたは親会社のいかなる関連会社(親会社、買収子会社、またはCompanyを含む)の資産、事業、または株式保有に対しても、行動の自由に制約を課すことを要求したり、交渉したり、実施したりすることを要求するものではありません。


