ARTICLE II THE MERGER | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


Section 2.5 Board of Directors.The board of directors of the Surviving Corporation effective as of, and immediately following, the Effective Time shall consist of the members of the Acquisition Sub Board immediately prior to the Effective Time, each to serve in accordance with the certificate of incorporation and bylaws of the Surviving Corporation until their respective successors shall have been duly elected and qualified, or until their earlier death, resignation or removal in accordance with the certificate of incorporation and bylaws of the Surviving Corporation.
【参考訳】効力発生時に、即座に有効となるSurviving Corporationの取締役会は、効力発生時直前のAcquisition Sub Boardのメンバーから成る。それぞれの後任が適切に選出され、資格を有するまで、またはそれぞれが早期に死亡、辞任、またはSurviving Corporationの定款および細則に従って解任されるまで、それぞれがSurviving Corporationの定款および細則に従って任務を果たす。


