AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


(c) In the event that (x) all or any portion of the Debt Financing expires, terminates, becomes or could reasonably be expected to become unavailable on the terms and conditions (including any “flex” provisions) or from the sources contemplated in the applicable Debt Commitment Letters or (y) any of the Debt Commitment Letters or the Financing Agreements shall be withdrawn, terminated, repudiated or rescinded, in whole or in part, for any reason, (i) Parent shall promptly so notify the Company in writing and (ii) Parent and/or its Affiliates shall use their respective reasonable best efforts to arrange and obtain, as promptly as practicable following the occurrence of such event (and in any event no later than the Closing), and to negotiate and enter into definitive agreements with respect to, alternative financing from the same or alternative sources with terms and conditions (including market flex provisions) not less favorable taken as a whole to Parent than the terms and conditions set forth in the applicable Debt Commitment Letter and which shall not include any conditions or contingencies to the Financing not otherwise included in the Debt Commitment Letters as of the date hereof or include any provision that would reasonably be expected to materially delay or prevent the consummation or funding of the Financing (or satisfaction of the conditions to obtaining any portion of the Financing) at the Closing or materially impair the ability or likelihood of the Closing or Parent and/or Acquisition Sub to timely consummate the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement (the “Alternative Financing”) in an amount sufficient to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement (or replace any unavailable portion of the Debt Financing). In the event any Alternative Financing is obtained and any new debt commitment letters are entered into in accordance with this Section 6.10(c) (each such letter, an “Alternative Financing Debt Commitment Letter”), Parent shall promptly deliver a copy thereof to the Company (it being understood that any fee letters related thereto may be redacted in the same manner as the fee letters delivered on or prior to the date of this Agreement) and references herein to (A) “Financing Commitments” and “Debt Commitment Letters” shall be deemed to include any Alternative Financing Debt Commitment Letter to the extent then in effect, and (B) “Financing”, “Bank Debt Financing”, “Margin Loan Financing” or “Debt Financing” shall include the debt financing contemplated by such Alternative Financing Debt Commitment Letter. Parent, Acquisition Sub and Elon Musk shall be subject to the same obligations with respect to any Alternative Financing as set forth in this Agreement with respect to the Debt Financing.
【参考訳】(c) 以下のいずれかの事象が発生する場合、(x) Debt Financingの全額または一部が有効期限切れ、終了、利用できなくなる("市場フレックス"規定を含む)または合理的に予想される場合、または(y) 任意のDebt Commitment LetterまたはFinancing Agreementがいかなる理由により全額または一部が撤回、終了、拒絶、または解除されるか脅される場合、(i) ParentはPromptlyに書面でCompanyに通知し、(ii) Parentおよび/またはその関係会社は、そのような事象の発生後、Promptlyに(ただし、最終的にはClosingの日付までに)同様の条件を満たす代替ファイナンスを同じまたは代替の資金源から短期間で手配し、交渉し、定義的な契約を締結するように合理的な最善の努力を行い、この契約により予定される取引を完了するために必要な金額のAlternative Financing("Alternative Financing")を提供します。なお、本セクション6.10(c)に従って新しい債務確約書が作成された場合(それぞれの書面を「Alternative Financing Debt Commitment Letter」といいます)、ParentはPromptlyにCompanyにその書面のコピーを提供します(なお、この場合、当該書面に関連する手数料の書面は、本契約の日付以前に提供された手数料の書面と同様に一部の情報が削除される可能性があります)。また、ここでの「Financing Commitments」と「Debt Commitment Letters」という用語は、該当する時点で有効なAlternative Financing Debt Commitment Letterも含まれるものとみなされますし、また、「Financing」、「Bank Debt Financing」、「Margin Loan Financing」または「Debt Financing」という用語は、当該Alternative Financing Debt Commitment Letterにより予定される債務ファイナンスも含まれます。Parent、Acquisition Sub、およびElon Muskは、Debt Financingに関する本契約の規定に従って、Alternative Financingに関しても同様の義務を負うものとします。


