AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER - Twitter, Inc., X Holdings I, Inc., X Holdings II, Inc., Elon R. Musk


Section 6.11 Financing Cooperation.(a) The Company shall and shall cause its Subsidiaries to, and shall use its commercially reasonable best efforts to cause each of its Representatives to, at Parent’s sole expense, provide any reasonable cooperation reasonably requested by Parent in writing in connection with (i) the arrangement of the Bank Debt Financing and any other debt financing expressly contemplated by the Bank Debt Commitment Letter, including senior unsecured notes and senior secured notes, and (ii) subject to the requirements of Section 6.11(b), the payoff, redemption, defeasance, discharge or other satisfaction of the Existing Credit Agreement and the Existing Senior Notes on or subsequent to the Closing Date, in each case as is necessary, customary and reasonably requested in writing by Parent; provided that any notice of, or documentation with respect to, any such payoff, redemption or other satisfaction of existing indebtedness of the Company pursuant to this Section 6.11(a)(ii) shall provide that the obligation to repay, redeem or satisfy such indebtedness shall, as applicable, be subject to and is conditioned upon the occurrence of the Closing; provided, further, that such requested cooperation with respect to clauses (i) and (ii) of this Section 6.11(a) does not unreasonably or materially interfere with the ongoing operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, (A) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries shall be required to pay any commitment or other similar fee, incur or reimburse any costs or expenses, enter into any binding agreement or commitment or incur any other liability, indemnity or obligation in connection with the Bank Debt Financing or the cooperation required by this Section 6.11(a) that would be effective prior to the Closing, (B) no director, manager, officer or employee or other Representative or equityholder of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries shall be required to execute, deliver, enter into, approve or perform any agreement, commitment, document, instrument or certificate or take any other action pursuant to this Section 6.11(a) to the extent any such action could reasonably be expected to result in personal liability to such Representative or equityholder, (C) neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries (nor any of their respective boards of directors (or similar governing bodies) shall be required to adopt any resolutions, execute any consents or otherwise take any corporate or similar action or deliver any certificate, document, instrument or agreement in connection to the Bank Debt Financing or the incurrence of indebtedness thereby or any cooperation required by this Section 6.11(a) and (D) no cooperation under this Section 6.11(a) shall (I) require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to provide, or cause to be provided, any information the disclosure of which is prohibited or restricted under applicable Law or any binding agreement with a third party or is legally privileged or consists of attorney work product or could reasonably be expected to result in the loss of any applicable legal privilege, (II) require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries to take any action that would reasonably be expected to conflict with or violate its organizational documents or any Laws or would reasonably be expected to result in (with or without notice, lapse of time, or both) a violation or breach of, or default under, or give rise to any right of termination, cancellation or acceleration of any right or obligation of such Person or to a loss of any benefit or privilege to which such Person is entitled under, any agreement to which the Company or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or result in the creation or imposition of any Lien on any asset of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, except any Lien that becomes effective only upon the Closing, (III) cause (or require the taking of any action that would cause) any representation or warranty in this Agreement to be breached or cause any condition to Closing to fail to be satisfied or otherwise cause any breach of this Agreement or require the Company to waive or amend any terms of this Agreement, (IV) require the Company to disclose any material, non-public information other than to recipients of such information that agree to confidentiality arrangements as contemplated under Section 6.11(b) and Section 6.4 or any adjustments or assumptions used in connection therewith, (V) require the Company to prepare or provide any financial statements or other financial information (other than those financial statements (and any other financial information) from time to time filed by the Company with the SEC (and nothing in this Section 6.11(a) shall create or be implied to create any obligation to make any such filings or other readily available financial information), (VI) waive or amend any terms of this Agreement, (VII) require the Company or its Subsidiaries to take any action that, in the good faith determination of the Company or such Subsidiary would create a risk of damage or destruction to any property or assets of the Company or such Subsidiary, (VIII) require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries or any of their Representatives to deliver any legal opinions or reliance letters, (IX) file or furnish any reports or information with the SEC or change any fiscal period or accelerate the Company’s preparation of its SEC reports or financial statements, or (X) prepare or provide any (1) information regarding officers or directors prior to consummation of the Merger, executive compensation and related party disclosure or any Compensation Discussion and Analysis or information required by Item 302 (to the extent not so provided in SEC filings) or 402 of Regulation S-K under the Securities Act and any other information that would be required by Part III of Form 10-K (except to the extent previously filed with the SEC), (2) any description of all or any component of the Bank Debt Financing or other information customarily provided by the Financing Sources or their counsel, (3) risk factors relating to all or any component of the Bank Debt Financing, (4) information regarding affiliate transactions that may exist following consummation of the Merger, or (5) other information that is not available to the Company without undue effort or expense. The parties hereto agree that any information with respect to the prospects, projections and plans for the business and operations of the Company and its Subsidiaries in connection with the Financing will be the sole responsibility of Parent, and none of the Company, any of its Subsidiaries or any of their respective Representatives shall be required to provide any information or make any presentations with respect to capital structure, the incurrence of the Financing, other pro forma information relating thereto or the manner in which Parent intends to operate, or cause to be operated, the business of the Company or its Subsidiaries after the Closing. Nothing contained in this Section 6.11 or otherwise shall require the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, prior to the Closing, to be a borrower, an issuer, a guarantor or other obligor with respect to the Debt Financing. For the avoidance of doubt, the parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the provisions contained in this Section 6.11, represent the sole obligation of the Company, its Subsidiaries and their respective Representatives with respect to cooperation in connection with the arrangement of any financing (including the Financing) to be obtained by the Equity Investor, Parent, Acquisition Sub, the Margin Loan Borrower or any of their respective Affiliates with respect to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and no other provision of this Agreement (including the Exhibits and Schedules hereto) shall be deemed to expand or modify such obligations. In no event shall the receipt or availability of any funds or financing (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Financing) by the Equity Investor, Parent, Acquisition Sub, the Margin Loan Borrower or any of their respective Affiliates or any other financing or other transactions be a condition to any of the Equity Investor’s, Parent’s, Acquisition Sub’s or the Margin Loan Borrower’s obligations under this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Company will be deemed to be in compliance with this Section 6.11(a), and neither Parent nor any of its Affiliates shall allege that the Company is or has not been in compliance with this Section 6.11(a), unless Parent’s failure to obtain the Bank Debt Financing was due solely to a deliberate action or omission taken or omitted to be taken by the Company in material breach of its obligations under this Section 6.11(a).
【参考訳】ファイナンス協力。(a) Companyは、Parentが書面で合理的に要求する場合には、Parentによって特定される銀行債務ファイナンスおよびBank Debt Commitment Letterに明示的に記載されるその他の債務ファイナンスの手配に関連する合理的な協力を提供し、Parentが合理的に要求する範囲内でCompanyとその子会社のいずれもが商業的に合理的な最善の努力を行って、その他の必要な協力を提供するよう努めるものとします。ただし、このような協力はCompanyとその子会社の通常業務に合理的または実質的に干渉しないものであることとします。ただし、本契約に定める他のいずれの規定によって異なる場合を除き、(A) Companyまたはその子会社は、Closingの前に有効となる任意の債務または同様の手数料を支払う必要はありませんし、(B) Companyまたはその子会社の取締役、管理者、役員、従業員、またはその他の代表者または株主は、自己に個人的責任を課す行動または課せられる責任を免れるために、このセクション6.11(a)に基づいて実行、提供、締結、承認、または実施する契約、取引、書類、文書、証明書、または行動を実行する必要はありません。(C) Companyまたはその子会社(またはそれぞれの取締役(または同様の統治組織))は、Bank Debt Financingまたはこのセクション6.11(a)で要求される協力に関連して任意の決議を採択する必要はありません。(D) 本セクション6.11(a)で要求される協力により、Companyまたはその子会社が適用される法律または第三者との拘束的な契約の下で禁止または制限されている情報を提供する必要はありませんし、法的特権が適用される機密情報であるか、弁護士の業務成果物であるか、Companyまたはその子会社の任意の資産にLienが設定される可能性があるものを提供する必要はありません(Closing時にのみ効力を発揮するLienを除く)し、(III)本契約のいずれの条項の免除または修正を要求する行動をとることを理由に、Companyまたはその子会社が違反または違反を起こすことはありませんし、(IV) Companyは、適用可能な法律に違反する行動を取ることはありませんし、Companyまたはその子会社の取締役または役員は、このような行動を取ることによってCompanyまたはその子会社の財産または資産に権利または債務を設定または課すものと理由付けられることはありません(Closing時にのみ効力を発揮するLienを除く)し、(V) Companyは、開示が法律または第三者との拘束的な契約によって禁止または制限されている情報を提供する必要はありませんが、Section 6.11(b)およびSection 6.4で検討されている機密保持の取り決めに同意する受取人に対してのみ、(VI) Companyは、SECとの時折のファイルを含む)を用意する必要はありませんし、(セキュリティ法のItem 302または402によって要求される情報を含め)いかなる開示情報の提供をも必要としませんし、(VIII) Companyまたはその子会社またはその代表者は、法的意見書または信頼状の提供を要求される必要はありませんし、(IX) Companyまたはその子会社は、SECに報告または情報を提出するか、財務年度を変更する必要はありませんし、CompanyのSEC報告書や財務諸表の準備を早めることはありませんし、(X) Companyまたはその子会社は、(1) Mergerの実施前の役員または取締役に関する情報、報酬、関連取引の開示、および報酬に関する議論と分析、またはSECのItem 302(SECへの提出がない範囲で)または402によって要求される情報、およびPart III of Form 10-Kで必要とされる情報を提供する必要はありません(SECへの提出済みの範囲で)、(2) Bank Debt Financingのすべてまたは任意の成分に関する説明、およびFinancing Sourcesまたはそれらの法律顧問が通常提供するその他の情報を含むがこれらに限定されない、(3) Bank Debt Financingのリスク要因、(4) Mergerの実施後に存在する可能性のある関連取引に関する情報、または(5) Companyが軽労力または費用をかけずに入手できない他の情報を提供する必要はありません。当事者は、Financing(包括的なFinancingの代わりを含む)に関連する見通し、予測、および計画についての情報は、Parentの責任であることを認識し、Company、その子会社、およびそれらの関係者は、Financingに関連するすべての情報または資料の提供やプレゼンテーションをする義務を負わないことに同意します。本セクション6.11に記載された規定が、本契約におけるCompany、その子会社、およびそれらの関係者による、本契約による取引に関連するファイナンス(包括的なFinancingの代わりを含む)への協力の唯一の義務を示すものであり、本契約のその他の規定(契約のエキシビットおよびスケジュールを含む)は、このような義務を拡大または変更するものとされるべきではありません。いかなる場合においても、Equity Investor、Parent、Acquisition Sub、Margin Loan Borrower、またはそれらの関係会社が本契約の義務を遵守することは、Financingの受け取りまたは利用可能性に関わらず、またはそのような発行の完了に関わらず、Closingにおけるいずれの義務にもなりません。これにより、Companyは、本セクション6.11(a)に基づいて適切な協力を行っていると見なされるものとし、Parentまたはその関連会社はCompanyが本セクション6.11(a)に基づいて義務を履行していないと主張することはありません。ただし、ParentがBank Debt Financingを取得できなかったのは、本セクション6.11(a)の義務に違反するためだけである場合を除きます。


