REGULATORY AND OTHER MATTERS | clook law - 契約書のデータベース



For the purposes (a) of registering SR Bancorp Common Stock to be offered to holders of Regal Bancorp Common Stock in connection with the Merger with the SEC under the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, and (b) of holding the Regal Bancorp Stockholders Meeting, SR Bancorp shall draft and prepare, and Regal Bancorp shall cooperate in the preparation of, the Merger Registration Statement, including
a combined proxy statement and prospectus or statements, satisfying all applicable requirements of state securities and banking laws, and of the Securities Act and the Exchange Act, and the rules and regulations thereunder (such proxy statement/prospectus in the form mailed by Regal Bancorp to the Regal Bancorp stockholders, together with any and all amendments or supplements thereto, being herein referred to as the “Proxy Statement-Prospectus”). SR Bancorp shall file the Merger Registration Statement, including the Proxy Statement-Prospectus, with the SEC. Each of SR Bancorp and Regal Bancorp shall use their best efforts to have the Merger Registration Statement declared effective under the Securities Act as promptly as practicable after such filing, and Regal Bancorp shall thereafter promptly mail the Proxy Statement-Prospectus to its stockholders; provided, such mailing shall not occur until the Conversion Registration Statement has been declared effective by the SEC. SR Bancorp shall also use its best efforts to obtain all necessary state securities law or “Blue Sky” permits and approvals required to carry out the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and Regal Bancorp shall furnish all information concerning Regal Bancorp and the holders of Regal Bancorp Common Stock as may be reasonably requested in connection with any such action. SR Bancorp shall use reasonable best efforts to keep the Merger Registration Statement effective as long as is necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.
【参考訳】. (a) 本合併に関連して Regal Bancorp 普通株式の保有者に提供される SR Bancorp 普通株式を、証券法および適用される州証券法に基づいて SEC に登録するため、および (b) Regal Bancorp 株主総会を開催するため、SR Bancorp は以下を含む合併登録届出書を起草・作成し、Regal Bancorp はその作成に協力するものとします。
を含む合併登録届出書(委任状と目論見書を組み合わせたもので、州証券法および銀行法、証券法および取引所法、ならびにそれらの規則および規制の適用要件をすべて満たすもの(Regal Bancorp が Regal Bancorp 株主に郵送する書式の委任状/目論見書と、その修正または補足を含め、以下「委任状/目論見書」という。) SR Bancorp は Proxy Statement-Prospectus を含む合併登録届出書を SEC に提出する。SR Bancorp および Regal Bancorp はそれぞれ、かかる提出後可能な限り速やかに、証券法に基づいて合併登録届出書の効力が発生するよう最善の努力を払い、Regal Bancorp はその後速やかに委任状説明書-目論見書を株主に郵送するものとする。SR Bancorp はまた、本契約が意図する取引を実行するために必要なすべての州証券法または「ブルースカイ」の許認可を取得するために最善の努力を払うものとし、Regal Bancorp は、かかる措置に関連して合理的に要求される Regal Bancorp および Regal Bancorp 普通株式の保有者に関するすべての情報を提供するものとする。SR Bancorp は、本契約に企図された取引を完了するために必要な期間、合併登録届出書の有効性を維持するために合理的な最善の努力を払うものとする。


