REGAL BANCORP DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE 4.15.2 sets forth a listing, as of June 30, 2022, by account, of: (A) all loans (including loan participations, which shall be separately identified) of Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary that have been accelerated during the past twelve months; (B) all loan commitments or lines of credit of Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary that have been terminated by Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary during the past twelve months by reason of a default or adverse developments in the condition of the borrower or other events or circumstances affecting the credit of the borrower; (C) all loans, lines of credit and loan commitments as to which Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary has given written notice of its intent to terminate during the past twelve months; (D) with respect to all commercial loans (including commercial real estate loans), all notification letters and other written communications from Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary to any of their respective borrowers, customers or other parties during the past twelve months wherein Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary has requested or demanded that actions be taken to correct existing defaults or facts or circumstances that may become defaults (other than with regard to requests or demands for current financial information from borrowers); (E) each borrower, customer or other party that has notified Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary during the past twelve months of, or has asserted against Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary, in each case in writing, any “lender liability” or similar claim, and, to the Knowledge of Regal Bank, each borrower, customer or other party that has given Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary any oral notification of, or orally asserted to or against Regal Bank or any other Regal Bancorp Subsidiary, any such claim; (F) all loans, (1) that are contractually past due 60 days or more in the payment of principal and/or interest, (2) that are on non-accrual status, (3) that are contractually past due 90 days or more in the payment of principal and/or interest days or more and still accruing; (4) classified as troubled debt restructurings; (5) that as of the date of this Agreement are classified as “Other Loans Specially Mentioned,” “Special Mention,” “Substandard,” “Doubtful,” “Loss,” “Classified,” “Criticized,” “Watch list” or words of similar import, together with the principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on each such loan and the identity of the obligor thereunder, (5) where a reasonable doubt exists as to the timely future collectability of principal and/or interest, whether or not interest is still accruing or the loans are less than 90 days past due, (6) where, during the past three years, the interest rate terms have been reduced and/or the maturity dates have been extended subsequent to the agreement under which the loan was originally created due to concerns regarding the borrower’s ability to pay in accordance with such initial terms (other than loans for which deferrals were granted under the terms of Section 4013 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or similar regulatory guidance), or (7) where a specific reserve allocation exists in connection therewith, and (G) all assets classified by Regal Bank or any Regal Bank Subsidiary as real estate acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure, including in-substance foreclosures, and all other assets currently held that were acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure. REGAL BANCORP DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE 4.15.2 may exclude any individual loan with a principal outstanding balance of less than $50,000, provided that REGAL BANCORP DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE 4.15.2 includes, for each category described, the aggregate amount of individual loans with a principal outstanding balance of less than $50,000 that have been excluded.
【参考訳】REGAL BANCORP DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE 4.15.2 には、2022 年 6 月 30 日現在の勘定科目別のリストが記載されています: (B) 過去 12 ヶ月間に債務不履行、債務者の状態の悪化、または債務者の信用に影響するその他の 事象や状況により、リーガルバンクまたはその他のリーガル・バンコープ子会社が解約した、リーガ ルバンクまたはその他のリーガル・バンコープ子会社のすべてのローン・コミットメントまたは信用枠; (C) 過去 12 ヶ月間に Regal Bank またはその他の Regal Bancorp 子会社が書面による解約の意向を通知したすべてのローン、クレジットライン、ローンコミットメント; (D) 全ての商業用ローン(商業用不動産ローンを含む)に関して、過去 12 ヶ月間にリーガ ルバンクまたはその他のリーガル・バンコープ子会社が、それぞれの債務者、顧客、 その他の関係者に対して、既存の債務不履行または債務不履行になる可能性のある 事実や状況を修正するための行動を要求または要請した全ての通知書およびその他の 書面による連絡(債務者からの現在の財務情報の要求または要請を除く); (E) 過去 12 ヶ月以内にリーガル・バンクまたは他のリーガル・バンコープ子会社に通知し た、またはリーガル・バンクまたは他のリーガル・バンコープ子会社に「貸し手責任」ま たは同様の請求を書面で主張した借り手、顧客、その他の当事者、 リーガルバンクの知る限り、リーガルバンクまたは他のリーガル・バンコー プ子会社に口頭で通知した、またはリーガルバンクまたは他のリーガル・バンコー プ子会社に口頭で主張した、またはリーガルバンクまたは他のリーガル・バンコー プ子会社に口頭で主張した各借入人、顧客、またはその他の当事者; (F) (1)契約上、元本および/または利息の支払いが 60 日以上延滞している、(2)未収の状態にある、(3)契約上、元本および/または利息の支払いが 90 日以上延滞しており、まだ支払いが発生している、(4)不良債権処理に分類される全てのローン; (5) 本契約の日付現在、「その他特記事項」、「特記事項」、「要管理債権」、「危険債権」、「分類債権」、「要注意債権」またはこれらに類する債権に分類されているもの、 (5)元本および/または利息の将来の適時の回収可能性に合理的な疑義が存在する場合、 (6)過去3年間において、借り手が当初の条件に従って支払う能力に懸念があるため、ローンが最初に作成された契約以降、金利条件が引き下げられ、および/または満期日が延長された場合(コロナウイルス救済・経済安全保障法第4013条の条件に基づいて返済猶予が認められたローンを除く)、 (G) Regal Bank または Regal Bank 子会社が差し押さえまたは差し押さえに代わって取得した不動産として分類されたすべての資産(実体のない差し押さえを含む)、および差し押さえまたは差し押さえに代わって取得したその他の現在保有しているすべての資産。ただし、REGAL BANCORP DISCLOSURE SCHEDULE 4.15.2 には、記載されたカテゴリーごとに、除外された元本残高が 5 万ドル未満の個々のローンの総額が含まれるものとします。


