COVENANTS OF FITORE | clook law - 契約書のデータベース



(a) Fitore will promptly pay and discharge, or cause to be paid and discharged, when due and payable, all lawful taxes, assessments, and governmental charges or levies imposed upon the income, profits, property or business of Fitore or any subsidiary; provided, however, that any such tax, assessment, charge or levy need not be paid if the validity thereof shall currently be contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings and if Fitore shall have set aside on its books adequate reserves therefor; and provided, further, that Fitore will pay all such taxes, assessments, charges or levies forthwith upon the commencement of proceedings to foreclose any lien that may have attached as security therefor. Fitore will promptly pay or cause to be paid when due, or in conformance with customary trade terms, all other indebtedness incident to the operations of Fitore;
(b) Fitore will keep its properties and those of its subsidiaries in good repair, working order and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and from time to time make all needful and proper repairs, renewals, replacements, additions and improvements thereto; and Fitore will at all times comply with the provisions of all material leases to which any of them is a party or under which any of them occupies property so as to prevent any loss or forfeiture thereof or thereunder;
(c) Fitore will keep its assets that are of an insurable character insured by financially sound and reputable insurers against loss or damage by fire, extended coverage and explosion insurance in amounts customary for companies in similar businesses similarly situated; and immediately following the Closing, Fitore will maintain, with financially sound and reputable insurers, insurance against other hazards, risks and liabilities to persons and property to the extent and in the manner customary for companies in similar businesses similarly situated;
(d) Fitore will keep true records and books of account in which full, true and correct entries will be made of all dealings or transactions in relation to its business and affairs in accordance with its past practices consistently applied;
(e) Fitore will comply with the requirements of all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of any governmental authority, a breach of which could have a material adverse effect on its business or credit;
(f) Fitore shall maintain in full force and effect its corporate existence, rights and franchises and all licenses and other rights to use patents, processes, licenses, trademarks, trade names or copyrights owned or possessed by it or any subsidiary and deemed by Fitore to be necessary to the conduct of its business;
(g) Fitore will, consistent with its practices in the ordinary course of business, endeavor to retain its business relationships with its customers and suppliers that it believes to be advantageous; and
(h) Fitore shall deliver to Vitro copies of its statements of operation and financial condition and similar statements as and when prepared (if at all) in the ordinary course of its business.
【参考訳】(a) Fitore は、Fitore または子会社の収入、利益、財産、事業に対して課されるすべての合法的な税金、査定、政府料金または賦課金を、支払期日が到来した時点で速やかに支払い、免除する、または支払い、免除させる; ただし、そのような税金、査定、料金、または賦課金は、その有効性が現在適切な手続きによって誠実に争われている場合、および Fitore が帳簿上に十分な引当金を計上している場合は、支払う必要はありません。フィトアは、フィトアの業務に付随するその他のすべての債務について、支払期日が到来した場合、または通例の取引条件に従い、速やかに支払うか、支払わせるものとします;
(b) Fitore は、その財産および子会社の財産を、合理的な損耗を除き、良好な修理、作動順序、状態に保ち、随時、必要かつ適切な修理、更新、交換、追加、改良を行います;
(c) Fitore は、保険に加入可能な性格の資産を、財政的に健全で評判の良い保険会社により、火災による損失または損害、拡大補償、爆発保険に、同様の事業を営む類似企業にとって慣例的な金額で加入しておく;
(d) フィトアは、一貫して適用されている過去の慣行に従い、事業および業務に関連するすべての取引について、完全で真実かつ正確な記載がなされる、真実の記録および帳簿を保管します;
(e) フィトアは、適用されるすべての法律、規則、規制、政府当局の命令の要件を遵守し、その違反がフィトアの事業または信用に重大な悪影響を及ぼす可能性があること;
(f) フィトアは、会社としての存在、権利、フランチャイズ、およびフィトアまたは子会社が所有または保有し、フィトアが事業遂行に必要とみなす、特許、プロセス、ライセンス、商標、商号、著作権を使用するためのすべてのライセンスおよびその他の権利を、完全に有効な状態に維持すること;
(g) フィトアは、通常の業務慣行に従い、有利と思われる顧客およびサプライヤーとの取引関係を維持するよう努めます。
(h) Fitore は Vitro に対し、通常の業務過程で作成された(作成された場合)業務および財務状況報告書、および同様の報告書の写しを交付するものとします。


