The parties shall deliver the following items to the appropriate party at the Closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
(a) To be delivered by Fitore (in duplicate original):
Copy of corporate resolutions authorizing the execution of this Agreement, and the consummation by Fitore of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
A certificate of the President of Fitore stating that the representations and warranties of Fitore set forth in this Agreement are true and correct. Said certificate shall further verify and affirm that all consents or waivers, if any, which may be necessary to execute and deliver this Agreement have been obtained and are in full force and effect.
A certificate dated the Closing Date, signed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of Fitore, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other party and its legal counsel, certifying that all conditions precedent set forth in this Agreement to the obligations of Fitore to close, have been fulfilled, and that no event of default hereunder and no event which, with the giving of notice or passage of time, or both, would be an event of default, has occurred as of such date.
he obligations of Fitore to complete the Merger on the Closing date on the terms set forth in this Agreement is, at the option of Fitore, subject to the satisfaction or waiver by Fitore of each of the following conditions:
(a) Accuracy of Representations and Warranties. The representations and warranties made by Vitro and VAC in this Agreement shall be correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing date with the same force and effect as though such representations and warranties had been made on the Closing date.
(b) Compliance with Covenants. All covenants which Vitro and VAC is required to perform or comply with on or before the Closing date shall have been fully complied with or performed in all material respects.
(c) Corporate Approvals. The Board of Directors and shareholders of Vitro and VAC shall have approved and ratified this Agreement and shall have authorized the appropriate officers to execute same and fully perform its terms.
Certificates dated the Closing Date, signed by the Secretary of Fitore, (i) certifying resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Fitore, authorizing the execution of this Agreement and all of the other transactions to be consummated pursuant thereto; (ii) certifying the names and incumbency of the officers of Fitore who are empowered to execute the foregoing documents for and on behalf of such company; (iii) certifying the authenticity of copies of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Fitore; and (iv) certifying the authenticity of a reasonably current Certificate of Good Standing, from all jurisdictions in which the company is qualified to conduct business.
Articles of Merger and Statement of Merger in proper form to be filed with the Secretaries of States of Colorado and Florida in such form as may be required to consummate the Merger as of the Effective Time.
Employment Agreements with Tanner Haas and Nathan Haas, substantially in the form of Exhibit 7.2(e).
Non-Compete, Non-Circumvention and Non-Solicitation Agreements of Tanner Haas and Nathan Haas substantially in the form of Exhibit 8.3(s)(1) hereto.
Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights Agreement
(b) To be delivered by Shareholders of Fitore (in duplicate original):
Certificate or certificates representing 100% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Fitore, which stock certificates shall be endorsed in favor of Vitro.
Fully executed Subscription Agreements substantially in the form of Exhibit 5.3.
(c) To be delivered by Vitro and VAC (in duplicate original):
Certificate or certificates representing the Merger Securities which certificates shall be issued in the names of each Fitore Shareholder, pro rata;
Copy of corporate resolution authorizing the execution of this Agreement and the consummation by Vitro and VAC of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the issuance of Vitro Common Stock in the amounts and manner set forth in Section 5.1 above;
A certificate dated the Closing Date, signed by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of Vitro and VAC, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the other party and its legal counsel, certifying that all conditions precedent set forth in this Agreement to the obligations of Vitro and VAC to close, have been fulfilled, and that no event of default hereunder and no event which, with the giving of notice or passage of time, or both, would be an event of default, has occurred as of such date.
Certificates dated the Closing Date, signed by the Secretary of Vitro and VAC, (i) certifying resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Directors of Vitro and VAC, authorizing the execution of this Agreement and all of the other transactions to be consummated pursuant thereto; (ii) certifying the names and incumbency of the officers of Vitro and VAC who are empowered to execute the foregoing documents for and on behalf of such company; (iii) certifying the authenticity of copies of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of Vitro and VAC; and (iv) certifying the authenticity of a reasonably current Certificate of Good Standing, from all jurisdictions in which Vitro and VAC are qualified to conduct business.
Statement of Merger and Certificate of Merger in proper form to be filed with the Secretaries of States of Colorado and Florida in such form as may be required to consummate the Merger as of the Effective Time.
Non-Compete, Non-Circumvention and Non-Solicitation Agreements of Tanner Haas and Nathan Haas substantially in the form of Exhibit 8.3(s)(1) hereto.
The Vitro Note discussed in section 5.3 herein.
Confidentiality and Proprietary Rights Agreement
(a) フィトーアが交付するもの(原本の複製):
(i) 本契約の締結、およびフィトアによる本契約に企図された取引の実行を承認する会社決議の写し。
(iii)Fitore の最高経営責任者および最高財務責任者が署名した、クロージング日付の証明書で、相手側当事者およびその法律顧問が合理的に満足する形式および内容であり、Fitore のクロージング義務に関する本契約に規定されたすべての前提条件が満たされていること、および本契約に基づく債務不履行の事象、および通知もしくは時間の経過、またはその両方により債務不履行の事象となる事象が、当該日付で発生していないことを証明するもの。
(i) Fitore の取締役会および株主が正当に採択した決議を証明するもので、本契約の締結および本契約に基づき実行されるその他すべての取引を承認するもの; (iii) Fitore の定款および細則の写しが真正であることを証明すること。(iv) Fitore が事業を行う資格を有するすべての司法管轄区から、合理的に最新である優良企業証明書が真正であることを証明すること。
(vi)タナー・ハースおよびネイサン・ハースとの雇用契約(実質的に別紙 7.2(e)の書式)
(vii)実質的に別紙 8.3(s)(1)の書式による、Tanner Haas 氏と Nathan Haas 氏の競業避止、独占禁止および勧誘禁止契約。
(b) フィトアの株主が提出するもの(原本の複製):
(i) フィトアの発行済普通株式 100%を表章する証明書または株券(この株券は、ビトロを裏書人とする)。
(ii)実質的に別紙 5.3 の形式で完全に締結された新株引受契約書。
(c) Vitro および VAC が交付するもの(原本の複製):
(i) 合併証券を表章する証書または証明書。この証書は、フィトールの各株主の名前で比例按分して発行されるものとする;
(ii)本契約の締結、および Vitro と VAC による本契約に企図された取引の実行(上記第 5.1 項に定める金額および方法による Vitro 普通株式の発行を含むがこれに限定されない)を承認する会社決議の写し;
(iii)相手方当事者およびその法律顧問が合理的に満足する形式および内容で、Vitro および VAC の最高経営責任者および最高財務責任者が署名した、クロージング日付の証明書であって、本契約に規定される Vitro および VAC のクロージングに関する義務の前提条件がすべて充足されていること、および本契約に基づく債務不履行事由、および通知もしくは時間の経過、またはその両方により債務不履行事由となる事象が当該日現在発生していないことを証明するもの。
(iv)(i) Vitro および VAC の取締役会により正当に採択され、本契約の締結および本契約に従っ て実行されるその他の取引のすべてを承認する決議を証明する、(ii) Vitro および VAC の役員の氏名および在職を証明する、Vitro および VAC の秘書役が署名した、クロージング日付の証明書; (iii) Vitro および VAC の定款および細則の写しが真正であることを証明すること、および (iv) Vitro および VAC が事業を行う資格を有するすべての司法管轄区から、合理的に最新 の優良企業証明書が真正であることを証明すること。
(v)(v) 効力発生時点において本合併を完了させるために必要とされる、コロラド州およびフロリダ州の 長官に対して提出する適切な書式の合併声明書および合併証明書。
(vi)タナー・ハースとネイサン・ハースの競業避止、不正行為防止、勧誘禁止に関する契約書(実質的に別紙 8.3(s)(1)の書式)。
(viii) 秘密保持および所有権に関する契約


