EXHIBIT A DEFINITIONS | clook law - 契約書のデータベース



“AEGIS” shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to the License Agreement and the Supply Agreement.
“AEGIS Data” shall mean any data regarding the Compound(s), Excipient(s), and/or Product(s) in which AEGIS has an ownership or licensable interest at any time during the term of the License Agreement and/or Supply Agreement, including without limitation all relevant and available sections of the drug master file(s) for the Excipients, as filed by AEGIS or its Affiliates with the FDA or any other governmental authority from time to time, but excluding third party confidential information.
“AEGIS Invention” shall mean any Invention made or conceived by employees, consultants, agents and others conducting work on behalf of Aegis that relates to Compound(s), Excipient(s), and/or Product(s), but excluding a Joint Invention.
“AEGIS Know-How Rights” shall mean, collectively, all trade secret and other know-how rights relating to the Compound(s), Excipient(s), and/or Product(s) in which AEGIS has an ownership or licensable interest at any time during the term of the License Agreement.
“AEGIS Patent Rights” shall mean, collectively, (a) any patent and patent application, which is owned by AEGIS, licensed to AEGIS or otherwise controlled by AEGIS or any of its Affiliates, as of the Effective Date or during the term of this Agreement and is necessary or useful to Exploit the Product, including without limitation those certain patent applications listed on Exhibit B attached to the License Agreement and any patent rights for an AEGIS Invention; (b) all patents that have issued or in the future may issue from any of the foregoing patent applications, including without limitation utility models, design patents and certificates of invention; (c) all divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, renewals, extensions or additions to any such patents and patent applications; and (d) all patents and patent applications that may issue or be prepared in the future based on AEGIS Inventions, including without limitation utility models, design patents, certificates of invention, and all divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, renewals, extensions or additions to any such patents and patent applications.
“AEGIS Technology” shall mean, collectively, (a) AEGIS Data; (b) AEGIS Patent Rights; (c) AEGIS Know-How Rights; (d) AEGIS Inventions; and (e) AEGIS’ interest in any Joint Inventions and/or Joint Patent Rights.
“Affiliate” shall mean, with respect to any person or entity, any other person or entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such person or entity. For purposes of this definition, a person or entity shall be in “control” of an entity if it owns or controls at least fifty percent (50%) of the equity securities of the subject entity entitled to vote in the election of directors (or, in the case of an entity that is not a corporation, for the election of the corresponding managing authority), or otherwise has the power to control the management and policies of such other entity.
“Annual Net Sales” shall mean, with respect to any Annual Net Sales Period, the Net Sales earned in such Annual Net Sales Period.
“Annual Net Sales Period” shall mean each of (a) the period from the date of the First Commercial Sale of the first Product through December 31 of the Calendar Year in which the First Commercial Sale of the first Product takes place, and (b) each Calendar Year thereafter.
“Approval” shall mean, with respect to any Product in any jurisdiction, all approvals from any Regulatory Authority necessary for the sale of the Product in such jurisdiction in accordance with applicable Laws, including without limitation receipt of pricing and reimbursement approvals, where required.
“ARS” shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to the License Agreement.
“ARS Data” shall mean any data regarding the Compound(s), Excipient(s), and/or Product(s) developed by employees, consultants, agents and others on behalf of ARS.
“ARS Invention” shall mean any Invention made or conceived by employees, consultants, agents and others conducting work on behalf of ARS that relates to Compound(s), Excipient(s), or Product(s), but excluding a Joint Invention.
“ ARS Know-How Rights” shall mean, collectively, all trade secret and other know-how rights relating to the Compound(s), Excipient(s), and/or Product(s) in which ARS has an ownership or licensable interest at any time during the term of the License Agreement.
“ARS Patent Rights” shall mean, collectively, (a) any patent and patent application relating to Excipient(s), Compound(s) or Product(s) which are owned, licensed or otherwise controlled by ARS or any of its Affiliates as of the Effective Date or thereafter; (b) all patents that have issued or in the future may issue from any of the foregoing patent applications, including without limitation utility models, design patents and certificates of invention; (c) all divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, renewals, extensions or additions to any such patents and patent applications; and (d) all patents and patent applications that may issue or be prepared in the future based on ARS Inventions, including without limitation utility models, design patents, certificates of invention, and all divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, renewals, extensions or additions to any such patents and patent applications.
“ARS Technology” shall mean, collectively, (a) ARS Data; (b) ARS Inventions; (c) ARS Know- How Rights; and (d) ARS Patent Rights.
“Bankruptcy Code” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.2.3(a) of the License Agreement.
“Business Day” means any day that is not a Saturday or a Sunday or a day on which the New York Stock Exchange is closed.
“Calendar Quarter” means the respective periods of three (3) consecutive calendar months ending on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31; provided, however, that (a) the first Calendar Quarter of the License Agreement and the Supply Agreement shall extend from the commencement of such respective agreement to the end of the first complete Calendar Quarter thereafter; and (b) the last Calendar Quarter shall end upon the expiration or termination of the License Agreement or the Supply Agreement, as applicable.
“Calendar Year” means (a) for the first Calendar Year of the term of the License Agreement and the Supply Agreement, the period beginning on the Effective Date and ending on December 31, 2008, (b) for each Calendar Year of the term of the License Agreement or the Supply Agreement, as applicable, thereafter, each successive period beginning on January 1 and ending twelve (12) consecutive calendar months later on December 31, and (c) for the last Calendar Year of the term of the License Agreement or the Supply Agreement, the period beginning on January 1 of the Calendar Year in which the License Agreement or the Supply Agreement, respectively, expires or terminates and ending on the effective date of expiration or termination of the License Agreement or the Supply Agreement, respectively.
“Commercially Reasonable Efforts” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.7.2 of the License Agreement.
“Competing Product” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.5.4 of the License Agreement.
“Compound” shall mean epinephrine and any metabolite, salt, ester, hydrate, anhydride, solvate, isomer, isotope, enantiomer, free acid form, free base form, crystalline form, co-crystalline form, complexes, amorphous form, pro-drug (including ester pro-drug) form, racemate, polymorph, chelate, isomer, tautomer, or optically active form of the foregoing.
“Confidential Information” shall mean, with respect to a Party, all information (and all tangible and intangible embodiments thereof), that is owned or controlled by such Party, is disclosed by or on behalf of such Party to the other Party pursuant to the License Agreement and/or the Supply Agreement, and (if disclosed in writing or other tangible medium) is marked or identified as confidential at the time of disclosure to the receiving Party or (if otherwise disclosed) is identified as confidential at the time of disclosure to the receiving Party and described as such in writing within [***] after such disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information of a Party shall not include information which, and only to the extent, the receiving Party can establish by written documentation (a) has been generally known prior to disclosure of such information by the disclosing Party to the receiving Party; (b) has become generally known, without the fault of the receiving Party, subsequent to disclosure of such information by the disclosing Party to the receiving Party; (c) has been received by the receiving Party at any time from a source, other than the disclosing Party, rightfully having possession of and the right to disclose such information free of confidentiality obligations; (d) has been otherwise known by the receiving Party free of confidentiality obligations prior to disclosure of such information by the disclosing Party to the receiving Party; or (e) has been independently developed by employees or others on behalf of the receiving Party without use of such information disclosed by the disclosing Party to the receiving Party (each, a “Confidentiality Exception”).
“Confidentiality Exception” shall have the meaning set forth in the preceding definition.
“DMF” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.9 of the License Agreement.
“Effective Date” shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to the License Agreement.
“EMA” shall mean the European Medicines Agency, or the successor thereto.
“Encumbrance” shall mean any lien, mortgage, deed of trust, pledge, security interest, charge, condition, equitable interest, right of first refusal, community property interest, covenant, option, title defect, claim, restriction, variance, exception, license, or other adverse claim or interest or encumbrance of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether or not perfected, including any restriction on use, voting, transfer, receipt of income or exercise of any other attribute of ownership
“Excipients” shall mean AEGIS’s proprietary chemically synthesizable delivery enhancement agents (including without limitation the Intravail® absorption enhancement agents), that, among other things, allow non-invasive systemic delivery of potent peptide, protein, and small and large molecule drugs.
“EU” shall mean the countries comprising the European Union as it may be constituted from time to time, and any successors to, or new countries created from, any of the foregoing.
“Exploit,” “Exploiting” or “Exploitation” shall mean to research, develop, make, have made, use, sell, have sold, offer for sale, import, export and/or otherwise commercialize and dispose of.
“FDA” shall mean the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, or the successor thereto.
“Field” shall mean any and all indications, uses, or purposes of Compound(s) and/or Product(s) in any and all formulations, including without limitation for the treatment, palliation, diagnosis, or prevention of any human or animal disease, disorder, or condition.
“First Commercial Sale” shall mean, with respect to a Product, the first sale for which payment has been received for use or consumption by the general public of such Product.
“GAAP” shall mean generally accepted accounting principles.
“GMP” shall mean Good Manufacturing Practices, as specified by FDA, or similar standards or guidelines promulgated by the FDA from time-to-time, or equivalent Regulatory Authority in countries other than the United States, as applicable.
“Government Approval Application” shall mean, with respect to each country of the Territory, all filings with the FDA or the EMA (or the equivalent health regulatory authority in each country within the Territory) for registrations, permits, licenses, authorizations, approvals, or notifications that are required to develop, make, use, sell, import or export a Product, including without limitation the equivalent of an NDA, as required by the FDA or the EMA or the counterpart of the FDA or the EMA in each such country.
“IND” shall mean an investigational new drug application or similar application which is required to be filed with the FDA prior to commencing a clinical investigation of a drug pursuant to 21 C.F.R. 312.
“Indemnitee” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.3 of the License Agreement.
“Indemnitor” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.3 of the License Agreement.
“Intravail®” shall mean the Material described on Exhibit B attached to the Supply Agreement, manufactured in compliance with all applicable Laws, including without limitation GMP.
“Invention” shall mean any invention, discovery, know-how, technology or other enhancement, whether or not patentable that is made or conceived by employees, consultants, agents and others conducting work on behalf of AEGIS, ARS or both, in connection with the performance of, and during the term of, the License Agreement and/or the Supply Agreement or any of the Prior Agreements.
“Joint Invention” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.6 of the License Agreement.
“Joint Patent Rights” shall mean, collectively, all patents and patent applications that may issue or be prepared in the future, which claim or purport to claim a Joint Invention, including without limitation utility models, design patents, certificates of invention, and all divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reissues, renewals, extensions or additions to any such patents and patent applications.
“Law” shall mean any federal, state or local law, statute or ordinance, or any rule, regulation, or published guidelines promulgated by any governmental authority, including the United States Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and applicable regulations promulgated thereunder.
“License Agreement” shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to that certain License Agreement entered into by ARS and AEGIS as of the Effective Date.
“Material” shall mean any Excipient supplied by AEGIS to ARS pursuant to the Supply Agreement, including without limitation the AEGIS product known as Intravail®, as further described in Exhibit B to the Supply Agreement, manufactured in compliance with all applicable Laws, including without limitation GMP.
“Material Tox Data” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.9 of the License Agreement.
“Material Tox Studies” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.9 of the License Agreement.
“NDA” shall mean a New Drug Application, Biologics License Application, Product License Application, or similar application which is required to be filed with the FDA to obtain a marketing approval of a Product in the United States.
“Net Proceeds” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.5 of the License Agreement.
“Net Sales” with respect to any Product, the invoiced sales price of such Product by ARS, its sublicensees and their respective Affiliates billed to independent customers who are not Affiliates, less [***].
“Paragraph IV Claim” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.4.2 of the License Agreement.
“Party” shall mean either AEGIS or ARS.
“Phase III Trial” means a human clinical trial of a product, the principal purpose of which is to gather evidence as to the effectiveness and safety in individuals or patients, as described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c), or a similar clinical study prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authorities in a foreign country.
“Prior Agreements” shall mean (a) that certain Material Transfer, Option and Research License Agreement between Aegis and ARS dated as of July 14, 2016; and (b) that certain Mutual Confidentiality Agreement between Aegis and ARS dated as of September 17, 2015.
“Product” shall mean any product containing a Compound and formulated using the Excipient(s).
“Regulatory Authority” shall mean any national or supranational governmental authority, including without limitation the FDA, EMA, or Koseisho, that has responsibility over the development and/or commercialization of a Compound, an Excipient and/or a Product.
“Royalty Term” shall mean, with respect to a Product in a country, the period that begins on the date of First Commercial Sale of such Product in such country and ends on the later of: (a) expiration of the last Valid Claim that covers the manufacture, use, offer for sale, sale, or import of such Product in such country or (b) the earlier of (i) fifteen (15) years after the date of the First Commercial Sale of such Product in such country.
“Subsequent Product” shall mean a new Product (in addition to a previous Product) for which a new NDA Approval is required by the FDA for marketing the Product.
“Successful Completion” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.3 of the License Agreement.
“Supply Agreement” shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to that certain Supply Agreement entered into by ARS and AEGIS as of the Effective Date.
“Territory” shall be worldwide.
“UAB” shall mean The UAB Research Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation.
“UAB Licensing Agreement” shall mean the Licensing Agreement between AEGIS and UAB, effective February 12, 2004.
“Valid Claim” shall mean, on a country-by-country basis, either (a) a claim of an issued and unexpired patent in the AEGIS Patent Rights, which has not been held permanently revoked, unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, and which has not been admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through reissue or disclaimer or otherwise, or (b) a claim of a pending patent application in the AEGIS Patent Rights, which claim was filed in good faith and has not been abandoned or finally disallowed without the possibility of appeal or refiling of such application, and in any event has not been pending for more than [***].
「AEGIS Data」とは、ライセンス契約および/または供給契約の期間中いつでも、AEGISが所有権またはライセンス可能な権益を有する化合物、賦形剤、および/または製品に関するあらゆるデータを意味するものとし、AEGISまたはその関連会社がFDAまたはその他の政府当局に随時提出する賦形剤に関する医薬品マスターファイルのすべての関連する利用可能なセクションを含むが、第三者の機密情報を除く。
「AEGIS 発明」とは、化合物、賦形剤、および/または製品に関連する、Aegisを代表して仕事を行う従業員、コンサルタント、代理人、その他によってなされた発明または考案された発明を意味しますが、共同発明は除きます。
「AEGIS Know-How Rights」とは、ライセンス契約の期間中いつでもAEGISが所有権またはライセンス可能な利益を有する化合物、賦形剤、および/または製品に関連するすべての企業秘密およびその他のノウハウの権利を総称して意味するものとします。
「AEGIS特許権」とは、総称して、(a)発効日または本契約の期間中、AEGISが所有し、AEGISにライセンス供与され、またはAEGISもしくはその関連会社のいずれかがその他の方法で管理し、本製品の開発に必要または有用な特許および特許出願(ライセンス契約に添付された別紙Bに記載された特定の特許出願、およびAEGIS発明の特許権を含むがこれらに限定されない)を意味するものとします; (b) 実用新案、意匠特許、発明証明書を含むがこれらに限定されない、前述の特許出願のいずれかから発行された、または将来発行される可能性のあるすべての特許; (c) そのような特許および特許出願に対するすべての分割、継続、一部継続、再発行、更新、延長、または追加;および (d) 実用新案、意匠特許、発明証明書、およびそのような特許および特許出願に対するすべての分割、継続、一部継続、再発行、更新、延長、または追加を含むがこれらに限定されない、AEGIS発明に基づいて発行される、または将来作成される可能性のあるすべての特許および特許出願。
「AEGIS Technology」とは、(a)AEGISデータ、(b)AEGIS特許権、(c)AEGISノウハウ権、(d)AEGIS発明、および(e)共同発明および/または共同特許権におけるAEGISの権利を総称して意味するものとする。
「年間売上高期間」とは、(a)最初の本製品の最初の商業販売の日から最初の本製品の最初の商業販売が行われた暦年の 12 月 31 日までの期間、および(b)その後の各暦年を意味するものとする。
" ARSのノウハウ権」とは、本ライセンス契約の期間中、ARSが所有権または許諾権を有する化合物、賦形剤および/または製品に関する営業秘密およびその他のノウハウ権を総称して意味するものとします。
「ARS特許権」とは、総称して、(a)発効日またはそれ以降にARSまたはその関連会社が所有、ライセンスまたはその他の方法で管理する、賦形剤、化合物または製品に関する特許および特許出願、(b)実用新案、意匠特許および発明証明書を含むがこれらに限定されない、上記の特許出願から発行された、または将来発行される可能性のあるすべての特許; (c) 上記の特許および特許出願の分割、継続、一部継続、再発行、更新、延長または追加。(d) 実用新案、意匠特許、発明証明書、および上記の特許および特許出願の分割、継続、一部継続、再発行、更新、延長または追加を含むがこれらに限定されない、ARS発明に基づいて発行または将来作成される可能性のあるすべての特許および特許出願。
「暦年」とは、(a)ライセンス契約および供給契約の期間の最初の暦年については、発効日に始まり2008年12月31日に終わる期間、(b)ライセンス契約または供給契約の期間の各暦年については、該当する場合、1月1日に始まり連続する12暦月後の12月31日に終わる連続する各期間を意味します、 (c)ライセンス契約または供給契約の期間の最終暦年については、それぞれライセンス契約または供給契約が満了または終了する暦年の1月1日に始まり、それぞれライセンス契約または供給契約の満了または終了の効力発生日に終了する期間。
「秘密情報」とは、ある当事者に関して、当該当事者が所有または管理し、ライセンス契約および/または供給契約に従って当該当事者によって、または当該当事者を代表して他方の当事者に開示され、(書面またはその他の有形の媒体で開示された場合)受領当事者に開示された時点で秘密であることが表示または特定され、または(その他の方法で開示された場合)受領当事者に開示された時点で秘密であることが特定され、当該開示後[***]以内に書面で秘密であることが記載されたすべての情報(およびその有形および無形のすべての実施形態)を意味するものとします。上記にかかわらず、当事者の秘密情報には、受領当事者が書面により証明できる範囲においてのみ、(a) 開示当事者が受領当事者に当該情報を開示する前に一般に知られていた、(b) 開示当事者が受領当事者に当該情報を開示した後に、受領当事者の過失なく一般に知られるようになった; (c) 受領当事者が、開示当事者以外の情報源であって、秘密保持義務を負うことなくかかる情報を正当に所有し、開示する権利を有するものから、随時受領した場合、(d) 開示当事者が受領当事者にかかる情報を開示する前に、秘密保持義務を負うことなく、受領当事者が他の方法で知っていた場合、または (e) 開示当事者が受領当事者に開示したかかる情報を使用することなく、受領当事者のために従業員または他の者によって独自に開発された場合(以下、それぞれを「秘密保持の例外」といいます)。
「EMA」とは、欧州医薬品庁(European Medicines Agency)またはその後継者を意味するものとする。
"Exploit"、"Exploiting "または "Exploitation "は、研究、開発、製造、製造済み、使用、販売、販売目的の提供、輸入、輸出、および/またはその他の商業化および処分を意味するものとする。
「最初の商業販売」とは、製品に関して、当該製品の一般消費者による使用または消費に対 して支払いを受けた最初の販売を意味するものとする。
「GMP」とは、FDAが指定する適正製造基準(Good Manufacturing Practices)、またはFDAが随時公布する類似の基準もしくはガイドライン、または該当する場合、米国以外の国の同等の規制当局を意味するものとする。
「NDA」とは、新薬承認申請、生物製剤承認申請、製品承認申請、またはこれらに類する申請であって、 米国における本製品の販売承認を取得するためにFDAに提出する必要のあるものをいう。
「第III相試験」とは、21 CFR 312.21(c)に記載されているように、個人または患者における有効性および安全性に関する証拠を収集することを主な目的とする製品のヒト臨床試験、または外国の関連規制当局によって規定された同様の臨床試験を意味する。
"先行契約 "とは、(a)2016年7月14日付けのAegisとARSの間の特定の材料譲渡、オプションおよび研究ライセンス契約、および(b)2015年9月17日付けのAegisとARSの間の特定の相互秘密保持契約を意味するものとする。
「ロイヤルティ期間」とは、ある国における本製品に関し、当該国における当該本製品の最初の商業的販 売の日に始まり、以下のうちいずれか遅い方の日に終了する期間をいう: (a) 当該国における当該製品の製造、使用、販売の申出、販売、または輸入を対象とする最後の有効請求権の失効、または (b) (i) 当該国における当該製品の最初の商業販売の日から 15 年後のいずれか早い方。
「後続製品」とは、本製品を販売するためにFDAによる新たなNDA承認が必要とされる新製品(従 来の製品に加えて)をいう。
「UAB」とは、非営利法人であるUAB研究財団(The UAB Research Foundation)を意味するものとする。
「有効なクレーム」とは、国ごとに、(a) AEGIS特許権における発行済みかつ未経過の特許のクレームであって、管轄権を有する裁判所またはその他の政府機関の決定によって永久に取り消された、執行不能とされた、または無効とされたものではなく、上訴不能または上訴が許可された期間内に上訴されなかったものを意味するものとする、 (b) AEGIS特許権における係属中の特許出願の請求項であって、その請求項が誠実に提出され、そのような出願の上訴または再提出の可能性なしに放棄または最終的に却下されておらず、いかなる場合でも[***]を超えて係属中でないもの。


