7.3 Permitted Disclosures. | clook law - 契約書のデータベース


7.3 Permitted Disclosures.

The confidentiality obligations under this Section 7 shall not apply to any portion of Confidential Information to the extent that a Party is required to disclose such portion by applicable Law, regulation or order of a governmental agency or a court of competent jurisdiction; provided, however, that such Party shall provide written notice thereof to the other Party, consult with the other Party with respect to such disclosure and provide the other Party sufficient opportunity to object to any such disclosure or to request confidential treatment thereof.
【参考訳】7.3 許容される開示 ただし、かかる当事者は、他方の当事者にその旨を書面で通知し、かかる開示に関して他方の当事者と協議し、他方の当事者にかかる開示に異議を唱える、またはかかる開示の秘密扱いを要求する十分な機会を提供するものとする。


