ARTICLE VII Transfer | clook law - 契約書のデータベース



Section 7.01 General Restrictions on Transfer.
(a) No Shareholder shall Transfer all or any portion of its Shares in the Company without the written consent of the Directors and the other Shareholders. No Transfer of Shares to a Person not already a Shareholder of the Company shall be deemed completed until the prospective Transferee is admitted as a Shareholder of the Company in accordance with Section 4.01(b) hereof.
(b) Each party to this Agreement will have the first right of refusal to purchase from the other joint venture partner, the other 50% of the shares of the company. Such purchase shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 7.02.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, each Shareholder agrees that it will not Transfer all or any portion of its Shares in the Company, and the Company agrees that it shall not issue any additional shares unless all of the Shareholders approve of such issuance.
Section 7.02 Involuntary Transfers.
(a) On the date of the occurrence of an Involuntary Transfer (“Transfer Event”), the Involuntary Transferee of such Shares shall thereupon become an Economic Interest Holder and shall not become, a Shareholder, unless admitted as a Shareholder pursuant to Section 4.01(b). On a Transfer Event, the Involuntary Transferee shall be deemed to have offered for sale, without any further action required, the entire Shares subject to the Involuntary Transfer (“Affected Shares”).
First, the Company shall have thirty (30) days from said date within which to elect to purchase some or all of the Affected Shares, and if the Company elects not to do so within said 30-day period, then the remaining Shareholders shall have thirty (30) days to elect to purchase their pro-rata share (based on their current Percentage Interest) of the Affected Shares. In the event that the exercise of any such election must be approved in any legal proceeding and such approval does not occur within the time periods set forth in this Section, such time periods shall be extended and tolled until fifteen (15) days after the date of any such approvals in order to permit the orderly exercise of such elections. The purchase price for such Affected Shares shall be Fair Market Value as of the Transfer Event.
(b) In the event that the Company and the remaining Shareholders elect not to purchase some or all of the Affected Shares in accordance with this Section 7.02(a), the Involuntary Transferee of the portion of such Shares that is not purchased shall hold such portion of such Shares solely as an Economic Interest holder and shall be entitled to the Economic Interest derived from such Shares, but not to any other rights of ownership of such Shares.
Section 7.03 Determination of Fair Market Value. Each of the selling and purchasing parties shall use best efforts to determine the Fair Market Value of the Shares offered for sale under Section 7.02. If the parties are unable to agree thereon, then each party shall appoint an appraiser within thirty (30) days of purchaser’s election to purchase such Shares (“Appointment Period”). The two appraisers shall elect a third appraiser within fifteen (15) days of the last day of the Appointment Period who shall determine the Fair Market Value of the Shares being purchased, and the average of the two appraisals which are nearest to each other will be the Fair Market Value of the Shares.
The costs of each of the first two appraisers will be paid by the Shareholder who appointed the appraiser, and the costs of the third appraiser will be paid by the Company. Said determination shall be final and binding on the parties. All appraisers selected will be qualified and will be individuals with the “Accredited in Business Valuation” credential of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or the “Accredited Senior Appraiser” designation of the American Society of Appraisers
【参考訳】第 7.01 項 譲渡の一般的制限 (a) 株主は、取締役および他の株主の書面による同意なしに、当会社の株式の全部または一部を譲渡してはならない。当会社の株主でない者への株式の譲渡は、譲受人候補が本契約の第4.01条(b)に従って当会社の株主として認められるまでは完了したものとみなされない。
(b) 本契約の各当事者は、もう一方のジョイント・ベンチャー・パートナーから、当社の株式の残り50%を購入する第一選択権を有する。かかる購入は、第7.02項の規定に従って行われるものとする。
(c) 本契約の他の規定にかかわらず、各株主は当社株式の全部または一部を譲渡しないことに同意し、当社は、株主全員がかかる発行を承認しない限り、株式を追加発行しないことに同意する。
第7.02条 任意譲渡。
(a) 不随意譲渡(以下、「譲渡事由」)が発生した場合、当該株式の不随意譲受人はその時点で経済的利益保有者となり、第4.01条(b)に従って株主として認められない限り、株主にはならないものとする。譲渡事由が発生した場合、非自発的譲受人は、何らの措置を要することなく、非自発的譲受の対象となる株式(以下「影響を受ける株式」という)の全部を売りに出したものとみなされる。
(b) 当社および残りの株主が、本第7.02条(a)項に従って、一部または全部の影響を受ける株式を買い取らないことを選択した場合、当該株式のうち買い取られなかった部分の非自発的譲受人は、当該株式を経済的利益保有者としてのみ保有し、当該株式から派生する経済的利益を享受する権利を有するが、当該株式のその他の所有権を有しないものとする。
第 7.03 項 公正市場価値の決定。売却当事者および購入当事者はそれぞれ、第 7.02 項に基づき売却のために提供される株式の公正市場価値を決定するために最善の努力を払うものとする。両当事者が合意できない場合、各当事者は買受人が当該株式を購入することを選択してから30日以内に鑑定人を任命するものとする(以下「任命期間」という。)。2名の鑑定人は、選任期間の最終日から15日以内に3人目の鑑定人を選任し、その鑑定人が買付株式の公正市場価格を決定し、最も近い2名の鑑定人の平均値を買付株式の公正市場価格とする。
最初の2名の鑑定人の費用は、当該鑑定人を指名した株主が負担し、3人目の鑑定人の費用は、当社が負担する。当該決定は最終的なものであり、当事者を拘束するものとする。選定される鑑定人はすべて資格を有し、米国公認会計士協会の「Accredited in Business Valuation」資格または米国鑑定士協会の「Accredited Senior Appraiser」資格を有する個人とする。


