ARTICLE 10 TERMINATION | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

Limited Liability Company Agreement


10.1 Events of Dissolution.
(a) The Company will be dissolved and its affairs wound up upon a decision of all the Members to dissolve the Company; or
(b) The death, retirement, resignation, expulsion, bankruptcy or dissolution of a Member or the occurrence of any other event that terminates the continued membership of a Member will not cause, or give rise to any right of less than all of the remaining Members to cause, the dissolution of the Company.
(c) Dissolution of the Company will be effective on the day on which the event occurs giving rise to the dissolution, but the Company will not terminate until the Assets of the Company will have been distributed as provided herein and a certificate of cancellation will have been filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.
10.2 Application of Assets. In the event of dissolution, the Company will conduct only such activities as are necessary to wind up its affairs (including the sale of the Assets of the Company in an orderly manner), and the Assets of the Company will be applied and distributed in the manner and in the order of priority set forth in Section 6.2
【参考訳】10.1 解散事由。
(a) 会社は、全会員の解散の決定により解散し、その業務は清算される。
(b) 会員の死亡、退職、辞任、除名、破産、解散、または会員の会員資格の継続を終了させるその他の事由の発生は、会社の解散を引き起こすことはなく、また解散を引き起こす残存会員全員の権利を生じさせることもない。
(c) 当会社の解散は、解散の原因となる事象が発生した日に発効するが、当会社の資産がここに規定されたとおりに分配され、デラウェア州の州務長官に解約証明書が提出されるまでは、当会社は解散しない。
10.2 資産の使用。解散の場合、当会社は業務を整理するために必要な活動(当会社の資産を秩序ある方法で売却することを含む)のみを行い、当会社の資産は第 6.2 項に定める方法および優先順位で適用および分配されるものとする。


