ARTICLE 6 DISTRIBUTIONS | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

Limited Liability Company Agreement


Distributions Other Than in Liquidation.
(a) Distributions of Net Cash Flow. Subject to Section 3.3(b) (regarding payment of Member Loans) and Section 6.2 (regarding distributions in liquidation), distributions of Net Cash Flow, will be calculated and distributed by the Company in the order of priority set forth in clauses (i) – (iv) below, at such times and in such amounts as determined by Encore in its sole discretion.1
(i) first, 100% to the Contributing Members, if any, in an amount equal to any Additional LP Return owed in accordance with this Agreement (which Additional LP Returns would in each case be paid to Contributing Members out of and reduce distributions and fees otherwise payable to Non-Contributing Members as provided in Section 3.7);
(ii) second, 100% to the Members pro-rata and in proportion to its respective Unpaid Preferred Return until all Unpaid Preferred Return then owed to the Members equals zero;
(iii) third, 100% to all Members pro-rata in proportion to its respective Unreturned Capital Contributions until such time all Unreturned Capital Contributions of the Members equals zero;
(iv) fourth, 100% to the Members pro-rata in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests until each Member has received its pro-rata share of all Net Cash Flow derived from Carried Interest Proceeds during such period, if any; and
(vi) thereafter, 100% to the Members in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests.
See Schedule 6.1 for an example of the distributions herein.
1 Note that Project level waterfall will be included in Subsidiary LLC Agreement and provide net available cash flow from Projects would be paid as follows:
(A) Net available cash flow from operations of the Projects would be paid as follows: (1) first, 100% to all Partners, pro-rata in proportion to their respective contributed capital, (including any Additional Capital as defined below), until all accrued and outstanding Preferred Yield of the Partners have been paid (2) second, JV GP would be paid a catch-up payment in an amount equal to 20% of distributions of Preferred Yield paid to all Partners through such date; (3) third, 80% to all Partners (pro-rata in proportion to contributed capital) and 20% to JV GP up to IRR of 18% to Limited Partners; and (4) fourth, 60% to all Partners (pro-rata in proportion to contributed capital) and 40% to JV GP for IRR above 18%.
(B) Net available cash flow from capital transactions of the Projects would be paid as follows: (1) first, 100% to all Partners, pro-rata in proportion to their respective contributed capital (including any Additional Capital as defined below), until all accrued and outstanding Preferred Yield and all capital contributions of the Partners have been repaid in full; (2) second, JV GP would be paid a catch-up payment in an amount equal to 20% of distributions of Preferred Yield paid to all Partners through such date; and (3) third, 80% to all Partners (pro- rata in proportion to contributed capital) and 20% to JV GP up to IRR of 18% to Limited Partners; and (4) fourth, 60% to all Partners (pro-rata in proportion to contributed capital) and 40% to JV GP for IRR above 18%. Upon the occurrence of a For Cause Removal, appropriate adjustments will be made to the allocation, distribution, Capital Account, and other provisions of this Agreement to give effect to the revision to Section 6.1(a) described in Section 8.11(b). Subject to the foregoing, from and after the Final Removal Date following a For Cause Removal Event, Section 6.1 shall be amended as set forth in Section 8.11(b) and will be applied as amended above for purposes of the definition of Target Capital Account (relating to allocations of Profit under Section 5.1).
Interpretation and Application.
No interest or other compensation will be allowed to any Member by reason of the amount of its Capital Contribution except its share of distributions as set forth above. All Net Cash Flow received by the Company, if any, attributable to each calendar month of each fiscal year (or portion thereof) and distributable other than in connection with the liquidation of the Company will be applied and distributed as provided above. All distributions will be made to the Members entitled thereto based on the Manager’s best estimate of the financial results of the Company through the date of the distribution, but will be subject to adjustment as between the Members promptly following the availability of the audited financial statements of the Company for the taxable and fiscal year.
The Manager shall make distributions of Net Cash Flow under this Section 6.1 if and to the extent of Available Cash. Thirty (30) days following final determination of actual Net Cash Flow for each fiscal year, there will be a final distribution to the Members to the extent that actual Net Cash Flow for such fiscal year exceeds prior quarterly distributions of estimated Net Cash Flow, or the Members will recontribute their respective shares of the excess of any interim distributions of estimated Net Cash Flow over the actual Net Cash Flow for such fiscal year.
(c) Tax Distributions. Within ninety (90) days following the end of each fiscal year or more often, if approved by Encore, to facilitate the periodic payment of estimated taxes (subject to any restrictions in any agreements for borrowed money and to the extent available to the Company without requiring the sale of assets or the pledge thereof at a time and on terms which the Manager believes are not in the best interests of the Company), Net Cash Flow may be distributed to the Members in an amount sufficient to cover the anticipated tax liabilities of each Member in proportion to the amount of taxable income allocated to each Member pursuant to Section 5.1, with the amount to be so distributed to be determined on the basis of the Company’s Partnership Representative’s reasonable Good Faith estimate of the highest maximum federal, state and local tax rates applicable to any of the Members after taking into account any amounts distributed to the Members for such fiscal year pursuant to Section 6.1(a) herein. Such Tax Distributions shall be deemed to be an advance against any Distributions to be distributed to the Members pursuant to Section 6.1(a) or Section 6.2.
Distributions of Net Proceeds from Asset Sale and Liquidation.
(a) General Rule. Net Proceeds derived from any transaction (a “Liquidating Transaction”) involving the sale or other disposition of Assets, including upon liquidation of the Company, will be applied and distributed in the following order of priority set forth in clauses (i) – (iii) below, at such times and in such amounts as determined by Encore in its sole discretion:
first, to the payment of any debts and liabilities of the Company applicable to the Asset or Assets involved in the Liquidating Transaction (other than Member Loans);
second, to the setting-up of reserves (the amount of which will be determined by Encore) to provide for any contingent, conditional or unmatured liabilities or obligations of the Company;
third, as set forth in Section 6.1(a).
(b) Timing of Payments. All payments under this Section 6.2 will be made as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event by the end of the fiscal year in which such liquidation or winding up occurs, or, if later, within 90 days after the date of such liquidation or the date such winding up occurs.
6.3 Distributions in Kind. Except as may be otherwise required by law, no distribution of property in kind by the Company will be permitted without the prior written consent of Encore. No Distributions in Violation of Agreement. No distribution from the Company will be paid to any Member who at the time of such distribution is in material breach of such Member’s obligations under this Agreement beyond any applicable notice and cure period. Withholding and Other Taxes. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the Manager is authorized to and will take all actions that it reasonably determines to be necessary or appropriate to comply with, and to cause the Company to comply with, any foreign or United States federal, state or local withholding or other tax payment obligation with respect to any allocation, payment or distribution by the Company to any Member or other Person. Except as otherwise required by law, (i) all taxes or amounts withheld from or paid in respect of distributions or allocations to any Member or former Member, including, but not limited to, due to the Member’s or former Member’s residence or other status for tax purposes, as reasonably determined by Encore, will be treated as a loan from the Company to such Member or former Member which is payable upon demand, a distribution to such Member or former Member under this Agreement or some combination thereof, as determined by Encore in its discretion, (ii) all taxes or amounts paid or economically borne by the Company (including pursuant to Section 6225 of the Code as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015) that are attributable or allocable to a particular Member or former Member (as determined in the discretion of Encore) shall be treated as a loan from the Company to such Member or former Member which is payable upon demand, a distribution to such Member or former Member under this Agreement or some combination thereof, as determined by Encore in its discretion, (iii) all taxes or other amounts withheld from payments to the Company and not otherwise described in the preceding clauses (i) or (ii) will be treated as a reduction in the proceeds received by the Company and will not be treated as a distribution to any Member, and (iv) all refunds of withheld taxes that are received by any Member will be treated (without duplication) as a distribution to such Member. The Manager will use commercially reasonable efforts to determine whether any exemptions, waivers or reductions of any applicable withholding requirement may be available (including as a result of the status of any direct or indirect equity holder in any Member) and to provide sufficient advance notice of such available exemptions, waivers and reductions to allow a Member (or its direct or indirect equity holders) to meet any requirements necessary to obtain such exemption, waiver or reduction. Restricted Distributions. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Company, and the Manager on behalf of the Company, will not make a distribution to any Member on account of such Member’s interest in the Company if such distribution would violate the Act or other applicable law. Tax Structuring. In the event of any disagreement between the Members regarding any tax matters (whether related to reporting, structure, treatment or otherwise) such disagreement shall be resolved by Encore, whose decision shall be binding and conclusive.
(a) 正味キャッシュフローの分配。第3.3条(b)項(メンバーローンの支払いに関する)および第6.2条(清算中の分配に関する)に従い、ネットキャッシュフローの分配は、以下の(i)~(iv)項に定める優先順位で、アンコアが独自の裁量で決定する時期および金額で、会社によって計算および分配される1。
(i) 最初に、本契約に従って支払うべき追加LPリターンと同額を、もしあれば100% 出資会員に支払います(追加LPリターンは、いずれの場合も、第3.7条に定める非出資会員に支払われる分配金および手数料から支払われ、減少します);
(ii) 第2に、会員に支払うべき未支払優先リターンがゼロになるまで、それぞれの未支払優先リターンに比例して会員に100%支払われます;
(iii) 第3に、すべての会員の未返還出資がゼロになるまで、それぞれの未返還出資に比例して、すべての会員に100%;
(iv) (iv)第4に、各メンバーが当該期間中にキャリードされた利息収入から生じたすべてのネットキャッシュフローの按分額を受領するまで、各メンバーの持分割合に応じて100%。
(vi) 以降は、各持分の割合に応じて100%。
1 子会社 LLC 契約にはプロジェクトレベルのウォーターフォールが含まれ、プロジェクトから得られる正味利用可能キャッシュフローは以下のように支払われる:
(A) プロジェクトの運営から得られる正味キャッシュフローは以下のように支払われる: (1) 第一に、全パートナーに対し、各パートナーが出資した資本(以下に定義する追加資本を含む)に比例して、全パートナーの未払い優先利回りが支払われるまで、100%支払われる; (3) 第3に、リミテッド・パートナーに対するIRRが18%までは、全パートナーに80%(出資資本に比例)、JV GPに20%、第4に、IRRが18%を超える場合は、全パートナーに60%(出資資本に比例)、JV GPに40%。
(B) プロジェクトの資本取引から得られる正味キャッシュフローは、以下のように支払われる: (1) 第一に、すべての未払い優先利回りおよびパートナーのすべての出資が全額返済されるまで、すべてのパートナーに100%、それぞれの出資資本(以下に定義する追加出資を含む)に比例して支払われる; (2) 第2に、JV GPは、当該期日までに全パートナーに支払われた優先配当金の20%に相当する額のキャッチアップ支払いを受ける。 (3) 第3に、リミテッド・パートナーに対するIRRが18%までは、全パートナーに80%(出資資本に比例)、JV GPに20%を支払う。理由による解任が発生した場合、セクション8.11(b)に記載されているセクション6.1(a)の改訂を有効にするため、本契約の配分、分配、資本勘定、およびその他の規定に対して適切な調整が行われます。上記を条件として、理由による解任イベント後の最終解任日以降、第6.1条は第8.11条(b)に規定されるように修正されるものとし、対象資本勘定の定義(第5.1条に基づく利益の配分に関連する)については上記の修正に従って適用されるものとする。
(c) 税金の分配。各事業年度終了後90日以内、またはアンコール社が承認した場合はそれ以上の頻度で、定期的な見積税金の支払いを促進するために(借入金に関する契約の制限に従い、また、マネージャが会社の利益にならないと考える時期および条件で資産の売却または質権を必要とせずに会社が利用できる範囲内で)、ネットキャッシュフローは、第5条1項に従って各メンバーに割り当てられた課税所得の金額に応じて、各メンバーの予想される納税義務をカバーするのに十分な金額をメンバーに分配することができる。 ただし、分配額は、第6.1項(a)に従って当該事業年度に分配された金額を考慮した上で、各会員に適用される連邦税、州税、および地方税の最高税率に関する、当社パートナーシップ代表者の合理的な誠実見積りに基づいて決定されるものとする。このような税金による分配は、第6.1項(a)または第6.2項に従って会員に分配される分配に対する前払いとみなされるものとする。
(a) 一般規則。資産の売却またはその他の処分を伴う取引(「清算取引」)から得られる純収益は、以下の(i)~(iii)の優先順位に従って、アンコール社が独自の裁量で決定する時期および金額で適用および分配される:
(i) 清算取引に関わる資産(メンバーローンを除く)に適用される当社の債務および負債の支払い;
(ii) 第二に、当社の偶発的、条件付き、または未償還の負債または債務に備えるための準備金の設定(その額はEncoreが決定する);
(b) 支払いのタイミング。本第6.2項に基づくすべての支払いは、合理的に実行可能な限り速やかに、いかなる場合であっても当該清算または清算が発生した事業年度の年度末までに、または、遅くとも当該清算日または当該清算が発生した日から90日以内に行われるものとする。
6.3 現物分配。法律で別段の定めがある場合を除き、アンコールの書面による事前の同意がない限り、当社による財産の現物分配は認められない。契約に違反した分配の禁止。分配の時点で、適用される通知および修正期間を超えて、本契約に基づくメンバーの義務に重大な違反があるメンバーには、会社からの分配は支払われません。源泉徴収税およびその他の税金。本契約のその他の規定にかかわらず、マネージャーは、メンバーまたはその他の人物に対する会社による配分、支払い、または分配に関して、外国または米国の連邦、州、または地方の源泉徴収またはその他の納税義務を遵守し、会社に遵守させるために必要または適切であると合理的に判断するすべての行動を取る権限を有し、また取るものとします。法律で義務付けられている場合を除き、(i) メンバーまたは元メンバーへの分配または割り当てに関して源泉徴収された、または支払われたすべての税金または金額(メンバーまたは元メンバーの居住地またはその他の税務上の地位によるものを含むが、これに限定されない)は、Encoreが合理的に判断した場合、要求に応じて支払われる当社から当該メンバーまたは元メンバーへの貸付金、本契約に基づく当該メンバーまたは元メンバーへの分配、またはEncoreがその裁量で判断するそれらの組み合わせとして扱われます、 (ii)特定のメンバーまたは元メンバーに帰属または配分可能な、当社が支払ったまたは経済的に負担したすべての税金または金額(2015年超党派予算法により改正された法典第6225条に基づくものを含む)は、アンコアの裁量で決定されるとおり、要求に応じて支払われる当社から当該メンバーまたは元メンバーへの貸付金、本契約に基づく当該メンバーまたは元メンバーへの分配金、またはそれらの組み合わせとして扱われるものとします、 (iii) (i)または(ii)に記載されていない、当社への支払いから源泉徴収されたすべての税金またはその他の金額は、当社が受領した収益の減少として扱われ、メンバーへの分配として扱われません。マネージャーは、適用される源泉徴収要件の免除、免除、または減額が利用可能かどうかを判断し(メンバーの直接または間接的な株式保有者のステータスの結果によるものを含む)、メンバー(またはその直接または間接的な株式保有者)がかかる免除、免除、または減額を得るために必要な要件を満たすことができるように、かかる利用可能な免除、免除、および減額について十分な事前通知を提供するために、商業上合理的な努力を払うものとします。制限付き分配。本契約に含まれる反対の規定にかかわらず、当社および当社を代表するマネージャーは、当社に対する会員の持分を理由とする分配が法律またはその他の適用法に違反する場合、そのような分配を行わないものとします。税金の構造化。税務事項(報告、構造、処理、その他に関連するかどうかを問わない)に関するメンバー間の意見の相違がある場合、そのような意見の相違はEncoreによって解決されるものとし、Encoreの決定は拘束力があり、かつ決定的であるものとする。


