ARTICLE 5 ALLOCATIONS | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

Limited Liability Company Agreement


The income, gains, losses, deductions and credits of the Company will be allocated for Capital Account purposes and for federal, state and local income tax purposes among the Members in accordance with this Article 5. The Manager will have the power and authority to make all accounting, tax and financial determinations and decisions with respect to the Company, subject to Section 7.2, provided, however, that a decision of Encore overriding any such determination or decision will be dispositive.
Allocations of Profit and Loss.
(a) General Allocation Rule. Subject to Sections 5.1(b), 5.1(c), 5.2, 5.3, 5.6 and 6.2, Profit or Loss for a relevant period will be allocated among the Capital Accounts of the Members (including the Manager) so as to reduce proportionately the differences between their respective Partially Adjusted Capital Accounts and their Target Capital Accounts.
(b) Acknowledgment of Allocation Rules. The Members are aware of the income tax consequences of the allocations made by this Article 5 and hereby agree to be bound by the provisions of Article 5 in reporting their shares of Company income.
5.2 Section 754 Election. Upon the request of any Member, the Company will elect, pursuant to Section 754 of the Code, to adjust the basis of Company property as permitted and provided in Sections 734 and 743 of the Code. Except to the limited extent otherwise provided in the Regulations promulgated under Section 704(b) of the Code, in the event that the Company makes an election under Section 754 of the Code, the amounts of any adjustments to the basis of the Assets of the Company made pursuant to Section 743 of the Code (relating to transfers of Company interests) will not be reflected in the Capital Accounts of the Members, but the amounts of any adjustments to the basis of the Assets of the Company made pursuant to Section 734 (relating to distributions) of the Code as a result of the distribution of property by the Company to a Member will be reflected in the Capital Accounts of the Members in the manner provided by the Regulations under Section 704(b) of the Code. Tax Allocations: Code Section 704(c). Allocations of items of taxable income, gain, loss and deduction will be made for tax purposes in accordance with allocations to Capital Accounts set forth above, except as otherwise provided herein. In accordance with Code Section 704(c) and the Regulations thereunder, income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to any property contributed to the capital of the Company will, solely for income tax purposes, be allocated among the Members so as to take account of any variation between the adjusted basis of such property to the Company for federal income tax purposes and its fair market value at the time of contribution. In the event that the Book Value of any Asset is subsequently adjusted in accordance with the third sentence of the definition of Book Value, any allocation of income, gain, loss and deduction with respect to such Asset will thereafter take account of any variation between the adjusted tax basis of the asset to the Company and its Book Value in the same manner as under Section 704(c) of the Code and any Regulations promulgated thereunder. Any elections or other decisions relating to such allocations will be made by Manager with the consent of Encore in a manner that reasonably reflects the purpose and intention of this Agreement. Allocations pursuant to this Section 5.3 are solely for purposes of federal, state and local taxes. Allocations for Tax and Book Purposes. Except as otherwise provided herein or required by law, any allocation to a Member for a fiscal year or other period of a portion of the Profit or Loss of the Company will be determined to be an allocation to that Member of the same proportionate part of each item of income, gain, loss, deduction or credit, as the case may be, as is earned, realized or available by or to the Company. Certain Accounting Matters. For purposes of determining the Profit, Loss or any other items allocable to any period, Profit, Loss and any such other items will be determined on a daily, monthly or other basis, as determined by Manager using any permissible method under Code Section 706 and the Regulations thereunder.
Special Allocations.
(a) Qualified Income Offset, Etc. To the extent the allocation provisions of Section 5.1 would not comply with the Regulations promulgated under Section 704(b) of the Code, there is hereby included in this Agreement such special allocation provisions governing the allocation of Profit and Loss and items thereof as may be necessary to provide herein a so-called “qualified income offset,” limit the allocation of losses that would cause a capital account to become negative to an impermissible extent, and ensure that this Agreement complies with all other provisions, including “minimum gain” provisions, relating to the allocation of so-called “nonrecourse deductions” and “Member nonrecourse deductions” and the charge back thereof as are required to comply with the Regulations under Section 704 of the Code. A Member’s “interest in partnership profits” for purposes of determining its share of the nonrecourse liabilities of the Company within the meaning of Regulation Section 1.752-3(a)(3) will be its Percentage Interest in the Company.
(b) Interpretation. In furtherance of the foregoing, the Manager is hereby directed to interpret this Agreement and to resolve any ambiguity in the provisions of this Agreement in a manner that will preserve, protect and further the intention of the Members to cause this Agreement to comply with the aforesaid provisions for federal income tax purposes and, subject to the last sentence hereof, to adjust the Capital Account and allocation provisions and adopt such curative provisions to this Agreement as Encore may deem necessary. In the event of any dispute, the decision of the independent tax counsel employed by the Company and reasonably acceptable to Encore, as indicated by Encore to the Manager orally or in writing, will be final.
(a) 一般的な配分ルール。第5.1条(b)、第5.1条(c)、第5.2条、第5.3条、第5.6条、および第6.2条に従い、関連期間の損益は、メンバー(マネージャーを含む)の資本口座間で、それぞれの部分調整資本口座と目標資本口座の差額を比例的に減少させるように配分されます。
(b) 割当ルールの承認。会員は、本第5条による配分が所得税に及ぼす影響を認識しており、会社の所得を報告する際に第5条の規定に拘束されることに同意するものとする。
5.2 第754条の選択。会員の要求があれば、会社は、法典第754条に従い、法典第734条および第743条で許可され規定されている通り、会社財産の基礎調整を選択します。コード第704条(b)に基づいて公布された規則に限定的に規定されている場合を除き、会社がコード第754条に基づく選択を行った場合、コード第743条(会社持分の譲渡に関する)に従って行われた会社資産の基礎の調整額は、メンバーの資本勘定には反映されません、 ただし、会社からメンバーへの財産の分配の結果、法典第734条 (分配に関する) に従って行われた会社の資産の基礎の調整額は、法典第704条(b) に基づく規則が定める方法で、メンバーの資本勘定に反映されます。税金の配分: コードセクション704(c)。課税所得、利得、損失、および控除項目の税法上の配分は、ここに別段の規定がある場合を除き、上記の資本勘定への配分に従って行われます。コード第704条(c)およびそれに基づく規則に従い、会社の資本に拠出された財産に関する所得、利益、損失、および控除は、所得税法上のみ、連邦所得税法上の会社に対する当該財産の調整基礎と、拠出時の公正市場価格との間の変動を考慮して、メンバー間で配分されます。その後、簿価の定義の第3文に従って資産の簿価が調整された場合、当該資産に関する所得、利益、損失、および控除の配分は、その後、コード第704条(c)およびその下で公布された規則と同じ方法で、当社に対する資産の調整後の課税標準と簿価との間の変動を考慮する。かかる配分に関する選択またはその他の決定は、本契約の目的および意図を合理的に反映する方法で、Encoreの同意を得てManagerが行う。本第5.3条に基づく配分は、連邦税、州税、および地方税のみを目的とするものです。税金および帳簿の目的のための配分。本規約に別段の規定がある場合、または法律で義務付けられている場合を除き、会社の利益または損失の一部を事業年度またはその他の期間について会員に配分する場合は、会社が獲得、実現、または会社で利用できる収入、利益、損失、控除、またはクレジットと同じ割合の各項目を会員に配分するものとします。特定の会計事項。利益、損失、または任意の期間に割り当てられるその他の項目を決定するために、利益、損失、およびその他の項目は、日次、月次、またはその他のベースで決定されます。
(a) 適格所得の相殺など。セクション5.1の配分規定が規則に準拠しない範囲では、セクション5.1. 1 の配分規定が法典第 704 条(b)に基づいて公布された規則に準拠しない場合、いわゆる「適格所得相殺」を提供し、資本勘定が許容されない範囲でマイナスになる損失の配分を制限するために必要な、損益およびその項目の配分を規定する特別配分規定が本契約に含まれる、 また、本契約が、いわゆる「ノンリコース控除」および「メンバー・ノンリコース控除」の配分、ならびにコード第704条に基づく規則に準拠するために必要なチャージバックに関する「ミニマムゲイン」条項を含む、その他のすべての条項に準拠するようにする。規則セクション1.752-3(a)(3)の意味における、会社のノンリコース負債に対する会員の持分を決定するための「パートナーシップ利益に対する会員持分」は、会社の持分割合となる。
(b) 解釈。上記を推進するため、本契約を解釈し、本契約の条項のあいまいさを、連邦所得税法上の前述の条項に準拠するよう、メンバーの意図を維持、保護、促進する方法で解決し、本契約の最後の文に従い、資本勘定および配分条項を調整し、Encoreが必要とみなす本契約の修正条項を採用するよう、マネージャに指示する。紛争が発生した場合は、アンコールが支配人に口頭または書面で示した、当社が雇用しアンコールが合理的に受け入れられる独立した税務顧問の決定が最終決定となります。


