ARTICLE 3 CAPITALIZATION | clook law - 契約書のデータベース

Limited Liability Company Agreement


3.1 Initial Capital Contributions. Each Member’s Initial Capital Contribution is listed on Schedule 3.1. The values of the Initial Capital Contributions of the Members are set forth in Schedule 3.1 hereto. Each Member’s obligation to fund the Initial Capital Contributions shall be subject to mutual agreement and execution and delivery of all other Joint Venture Agreements applicable to the Projects. Additional Capital Contributions. In addition to the Initial Capital Contributions, each Member agrees to make additional Capital Contributions to the Company from time to time in accordance with its Percentage Interest (“Additional Capital Contributions”) to fund as determined by Encore, from time to time, in its sole discretion: (i) the Company Required Equity Investment of a Project as set forth in the respective Project Budget, (ii) Emergency Expenditures, (iii) costs and expenses specifically designated as requiring Company equity contributions as set forth in the approved Company Budget, provided that with respect to the Project for which such Additional Capital Contribution is requested there is no material deviation from project schedule as set forth in the approved Project Budget and Project Business Plan, subject to Force Majeure, (iv) costs and expenses specifically requiring Company equity funding as set forth in an approved Project Budget, provided that with respect to the Project for which such Additional Capital Contribution is requested there is no material deviations from the project schedule as set forth in the approved Project Budget and Project Business Plan, subject to Force Majeure, and (v) other costs and expenses approved by Encore; provided, however, that if such Additional Capital Contributions are insufficient Manager shall not be deemed to have breached its obligations hereunder. The Manager will give Notice to the Members of a proposed Additional Capital Contribution to be made by each Member, (x) stating the aggregate amount of such Additional Capital Contribution, (y) stating in reasonable detail the reasons such Additional Capital Contributions are required, the intended use thereof and such other information as any Member may reasonably request and the date on which the Members will be obligated to contribute to the Company the amount of such Additional Capital Contribution (which date, the “Tender Date”, will not be less than 15 Business Days after the date on which such Notice is given, except with respect to Emergency Expenditures which Tender Date shall be as far in advance as reasonably practicable, which may be less than 15 Business Days). Manager will (not less than 5 Business Days prior to the Tender Date) provide a Notice so stating to each Member will be obligated to contribute to the Company on the Tender Date, in cash, the aggregate amount of Additional Capital Contributions to be made on the Tender Date, in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests. If any Member fails to pay to the Company by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the Tender Date its entire share of any Additional Capital Contribution required pursuant to this Section 3.2 (such Member, the “Non-Contributing Member”), then the portion thereof not contributed by such Non-Contributing Member shall be hereinafter referred to as the “Deficiency”. Any other Member who wishes to make payment to the Company all or any portion of such Deficiency shall be deemed a “Contributing Member.” The Contributing Member may, in its sole and absolute discretion, elect by notice to the Non-Contributing Member to make a Member Loan to the Non-Contributing Member. No Member will be entitled or required to make any Capital Contributions to the Company other than under Section 3.1 or as required by this Section 3.2. A Contributing Member may, in its sole discretion, elect to advance any Deficiency in the form of a Member Loan pursuant to Section 3.2 or deem such amounts an additional Capital Contribution by Contributing Members for which it is entitled to Additional LP Return in accordance with Section 3.7(a) which Additional LP Returns would in each case be paid to Encore out of future distributions or fees otherwise payable to Non-Contributing Members. Failure to Make Additional Capital Contributions.
(a) Member Loan.
(i) In the event of any Deficiency described in Section 3.2, the Contributing Member may deliver a notice (a “Member Loan Notice”) to the Non-Contributing Member of its intention to make a Member Loan pursuant to this Section 3.3 or to make Additional Capital Contributions which entitle the Contributing Member to an Additional LP Return pursuant to Section 3.7. The Contributing Member shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make a loan (a “Member Loan”) to the Non-Contributing Member in an amount equal to the Deficiency at any time after the tenth (10th) day following the delivery of a Member Loan Notice provided that such Non-Contributing Member has not funded such Deficiency prior to the making of such Member Loan. If a Member Loan shall be made in accordance with this subsection 3.3(a), the Contributing Member shall notify the Non- Contributing Member of the amount and date of the Member Loan, and the Capital Account of the Non-Contributing Member shall be credited to reflect the payment of the proceeds of the Member Loan to the Company on behalf of the Non-Contributing Member (each such contribution being hereinafter referred to as a “Member Loan Contribution”). Each Member Loan shall be deemed to be made to the Non-Contributing Member, with the proceeds of each Member Loan being delivered to the Company by the Contributing Member making same in immediately available funds on such Non-Contributing Member’s behalf. A Member Loan shall be deemed to have been advanced on the date actually advanced. Each Member Loan will, to the fullest extent permitted by law, bear interest at an annual rate, determined daily and compounded monthly, equal to the lesser of 15% or the highest rate permitted by law if such rate is not 15% and will be due not later than six (6) months from the date such Member Loan is made (“Member Loan Maturity Date”). A Contributing Member making a Member Loan (“Lending Member”) may extend the Member Loan Maturity Date in its sole discretion.
(ii) If a Member Loan has been made, the Non-Contributing Member shall not receive any distributions of Net Cash Flow or Net Proceeds or any proceeds from the transfer of all or any part of its Membership Interest while the Member Loan, including all interest thereon remains unpaid. Instead, the Non-Contributing Member’s share of Net Cash Flow and Net Proceeds or such other proceeds shall first be paid to the Lending Member until all Member Loans to such Non-Contributing Member, including all accrued and unpaid interest thereon shall have been repaid in full. Such payments shall be applied first to the payment of interest accrued and unpaid, and then to outstanding principal, but shall be considered, for all other purposes of this Agreement, to have been distributed to the Non-Contributing Member. Distributions of Net Cash Flow and Net Proceeds to such Non-Contributing Member shall be immediately reinstated prospectively upon the full repayment of a Member Loan (including all accrued and unpaid interest thereon), to the Lending Member. The Non-Contributing Member shall be liable for the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by the Lending Member (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements) in connection with any enforcement or foreclosure upon any Member Loan and such costs shall, to the extent enforceable under applicable law, be added to the principal amount of the applicable Member Loan. In addition, at any time during the term of such Member Loan, the Non-Contributing Member shall have the right to repay, in full or in part, the Member Loan (including interest, any other charges).
(b) Failure to Repay Member Loan. If at any time there are outstanding Member Loans owed to a Contributing Member, upon notice to the Non-Contributing Member, such Member Loans, may be converted into Additional Capital Contributions entitling the Contributing Member to Additional LP Returns in accordance with Section 3.7 below.
3.4 Capital Accounts. A separate capital account (a “Capital Account”) will be established and maintained for each Member, including any substituted Member who will hereafter acquire an interest in the Company, in accordance with the following provisions:To each Member’s Capital Account there will be credited the amount of cash and the fair market value of any other property actually contributed to the Company by such Member in accordance with Section 3.1 or 3.2, such Member’s allocable share of Profit, the amount of any Company liabilities that are assumed by such Member or that are secured by any Company property distributed to such Member, and any items in the nature of income or gain which are specially allocated to such Member pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.6 to the extent that Sections 5.2, 5.6 and applicable Regulations provide for such a Capital Account adjustment.
(b) From each Member’s Capital Account there will be debited the amount of cash and the fair market value of any Company property distributed to such Member in its capacity as a Member pursuant to any provision of this Agreement, such Member’s allocable share of Loss, the amount of any liabilities of such Member that are assumed by the Company or that are secured by any property contributed by such Member to the Company, and any items in the nature of expenses or losses which are specially allocated to such Member pursuant to Sections 5.2 or 5.6 to the extent that Sections 5.2, 5.6 and applicable Regulations provide for such a Capital Account adjustment.
(c) The provisions of this Agreement relating to the maintenance of Capital Accounts are intended to comply with the Regulations under Section 704(b) of the Code, and will be interpreted and applied in a manner consistent with such Regulations.
(d) A Member will not be entitled to withdraw any part of the Capital Account of such Member or to receive any distributions from the Company except as provided in Article 6; nor will a Member be entitled to make any loan or Capital Contribution to the Company other than as expressly provided herein. No loan made to the Company by any Member will constitute a Capital Contribution to the Company for any purpose.
(e) Except as expressly required by this Agreement or the Act, no Member will have any liability for the return of the Capital Contribution of any other Member. A Member who has more than one interest in the Company will have a single Capital Account that reflects all such interests, regardless of the class of interest owned and regardless of the time or manner in which the interests were acquired.
3.5 Transfer of Capital Accounts. In the event all or any portion of an interest in the Company is transferred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the transferee will succeed to the Capital Account of the transferor to the extent it relates to the transferred interest in the Company, and reference in this Agreement to a Capital Contribution of or an allocation or distribution to a Member who is a transferee will include a Capital Contribution of or allocation or distribution previously made to its transferor Member on account of the transferred interest in the Company. Deficit Capital Accounts. Except as otherwise provided in Section 6.2(b), no Member with a deficit in its Capital Account will be obligated to restore such deficit balance or make a Capital Contribution to the Company solely by reason of such deficit. Adjustments to Member Interests.
(a) Reduction of Non-Contributing Members’ Interests. If a Non-Contributing Member fails to make an entire Additional Capital Contribution required of such Member pursuant to Section 3.2, upon election of the Contributing Member, the Deficiency or any outstanding Member Loan balance, including accrued and unpaid interest thereon (for this purpose, the “Defaulted Amount”) may be cancelled and converted into a Capital Contribution to the Company or an applicable Subsidiary to which the Deficiency proceeds are directed, which would entitle the Contributing Member to a Preferred Return on such amounts contributed plus an additional amount equal to all distributions payable to limited partners or investor members of a Subsidiary (as elected by Contributing Member), as if the Contributing Member had directly invested such Additional Capital Contribution as an investor in the Subsidiary having the highest Investment IRR on and through the liquidation of the applicable Subsidiary (such aggregate amounts payable to Contributing Member pursuant to this paragraph, the “Additional LP Return”). All Additional LP Returns would be paid to the Contributing Member out of the distributions otherwise payable to the Non-Contributing Member. Appropriate adjustments will be made to the allocation, distribution, Capital Account, and other provisions of this Agreement to give effect to such Capital Contribution Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Non-Contributing Member shall within 10 business days following the request of the Contributing Member, execute such documents and take such additional actions as may be necessary to effectuate or evidence such adjustments. If the Non-Contributing Member shall fail to execute any such documents or take any such actions within such 10 business day period, such Non-Contributing Member hereby constitutes and appoints each of the Manager and the Contributing Member, including, if applicable, the officers and directors of the Manager and the Contributing Member or their respective general partner or member (and its officers and directors), to act alone as the attorney-in-fact of such Non-Contributing Member with full power of substitution in the names and stead of each such Member to execute, acknowledge, swear to and deliver such instruments as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the foregoing provisions of this Section 3.7. The grant of power of attorney by each of the Members under this Section 3.7 is coupled with an interest and is and will be irrevocable, whether by reason of such Member’s dissolution or for any reason whatsoever.
(b) No Prior Agreement to Transfer. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that there is no prior agreement, understanding or plan to change Members’ Percentage Interests, and that such a change is not expected given the structure of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
3.8 Prohibition on Loans by Company. Without the prior written consent of the Members, the Company will not, directly or indirectly, make any form of loan or advance to or directly or indirectly guaranty or secure the obligations of any Member or to any Affiliated Person of any Member.
【参考訳】3.1 初回資本拠出 各会員の初期資本拠出は、別表3.1に記載されています。各会員の初期資本拠出額は、別表3.1に記載されています。各メンバーの初期資本拠出への資金提供義務は、プロジェクトに適用される他のすべての合弁事業契約の相互合意および締結と引渡しに従うものとする。追加出資。当初資本拠出に加え、各会員は、Encoreが独自の裁量で随時決定する資金を調達するため、持株比率に応じて随時追加資本拠出(以下、「追加資本拠出」)を行うことに同意します: (i) 各プロジェクト予算に記載されているプロジェクトの会社必要資本投資、(ii) 緊急支出、(iii) 承認された会社予算に記載されている会社資本拠出が必要であると特に指定された費用および経費。ただし、かかる追加資本拠出が要求されたプロジェクトに関しては、承認されたプロジェクト予算およびプロジェクト事業計画に記載されているプロジェクトスケジュールからの重大な逸脱がないことを条件とする、 ただし、当該追加資本拠出が要求されたプロジェクトに関して、承認されたプロジェクト予算およびプロジェクト事業計画に定められたプロジェクトスケジュールから重大な逸脱がないことを条件とし、不可抗力を条件とする; ただし、かかる追加資本拠出が不十分な場合、マネージャーは本契約に基づく義務に違反したとはみなされないものとする。ただし、かかる追加資本拠出が不十分である場合、マネージャーは本契約に基づく義務に違反したとはみなされないものとします。マネージャーは、各会員が行う追加資本拠出案について、(x) かかる追加資本拠出の総額を記載し、(y) かかる追加資本拠出が必要な理由を合理的な範囲で詳細に記載した通知を会員に行います、 (y)当該追加資本拠出が必要とされる理由、その使用目的、および会員が合理的に要求できるその他の情報、および会員が当該追加資本拠出額を当社に拠出する義務を負う日(この日を「公開日」といい、当該通知が行われた日から15営業日以上経過した日とします。マネージャは、(公開日の5営業日前までに)各会員に対して、公開日に行われる追加出資の総額を、各会員の持分割合に応じて現金で当社に出資する義務があることを明記した通知を行います。いずれかの会員が、本第3.2項に従って必要とされる追加出資の全持分を、公開日の東部時間午後5時までに当社に支払わない場合(かかる会員を「非出資会員」といいます)、かかる非出資会員によって拠出されなかった部分は、以下「不足金」といいます。当該不足額の全部または一部を当社に支払うことを希望する他の会員は、「拠出会員」とみなされるものとします。拠出会員は、その単独かつ絶対的な裁量で、非拠出会員への通知により、非拠出会員に会員貸付を行うことを選択できます。いかなるメンバーも、第3.1項または本第3.2項によって要求される場合を除き、当社に対して資本拠出を行う権利または義務を負わないものとします。追加LPリターンは、いずれの場合も、非出資メンバーに支払われる将来の分配金または手数料からアンコールに支払われます。追加出資の不履行。
(a) メンバーローン。
(i) 第3.2項に記載されている欠損が発生した場合、非出資メンバーは、本第3.3項に従って メンバーローンを行うか、または第3.7項に従って追加LPリターンを受ける権利を 与える追加資本拠出を行う意思を、非出資メンバーに通知(以下「メンバーローン 通知」)することができます。ただし、非出資メンバーは、メンバーローン通知を受領してから10日目以降に、当該メンバーローンが行われる前に当該欠損金を資金調達していないことを条件とします。この第3.3項(a)に従ってメンバーローンが行われた場合、拠出メンバーは、メンバーローンの金額と日付を非拠出メンバーに通知するものとし、非拠出メンバーの資本口座には、非拠出メンバーに代わってメンバーローンの代金が当社に支払われたことを反映するように入金されるものとします(以下、このような各拠出を「メンバーローン拠出」といいます)。各会員ローンは、非出資会員に対して行われたものとみなされ、各会員ローンの手取金は、当該非出資会員のために直ちに利用可能な資金でこれを行う出資会員によって当社に交付されるものとします。メンバーローンは、実際に貸付が行われた日に貸付が行われたものとみなされます。各会員ローンは、法律で認められている最大限の範囲において、15%または法律で認められている最高利率のいずれか低い利率で、日割りで決定され、月複利で計算される年利を負担するものとします。会員ローンを行う出資会員(以下「貸与会員」)は、独自の裁量で会員ローンの満期日を延長することができます。
(ii) 会員ローンが行われた場合、非出資会員は、会員ローン(その利息を含む)が未払いの間は、ネットキャッシュフローまたは純収入の分配、または会員持分の全部または一部の譲渡による収入を受け取らないものとします。代わりに、非貢献会員のネットキャッシュフローおよび純収益の取り分、またはその他の収益は、当該非貢献会員に対するすべての会員ローン(未収および未払い利息を含む)が全額返済されるまで、まず貸与会員に支払われるものとします。かかる支払いは、まず未払い利息の支払いに充当され、次に未払い元本に充当されるものとしますが、本契約の他のすべての目的については、非出資会員に分配されたとみなされるものとします。このような非貢献会員への純キャッシュフローおよび純収入の分配は、貸与会員への会員ローン(未払いおよび未払いの利息を含む)の全額返済時に、将来に向かって直ちに復活するものとします。非貢献会員は、会員ローンの強制執行または差し押さえに関連して貸出会員が負担した合理的な手数料および費用(合理的な弁護士費用および支出を含む)に対して責任を負うものとし、かかる費用は、適用法に基づいて強制執行が可能な範囲で、該当する会員ローンの元本額に加算されるものとします。さらに、当該会員ローンの期間中いつでも、非出資会員は、会員ローン(利息、その他の費用を含む)の全額または一部を返済する権利を有するものとします。
(b) 会員ローンの未返済。いつでも未返済の会員ローンがある場合、非出資会員に通知することで、そのような会員ローンは、下記第3.7項に従い、追加LPリターンの権利を持つ追加出資に転換することができます。
3.4 資本勘定。各会員の資本口座には、第3.1項または第3.2項に従って、当該会員が実際に当社に拠出した現金およびその他の財産の公正市場価値が入金されます。 各会員の資本勘定には、第3.1項または第3.2項に従って当該会員が当社に実際に拠出した現金およびその他の財産の時価、当該会員の利益の配分可能な取り分、当該会員が引き受けた、または当該会員に分配された当社の財産を担保とする当社の負債の金額、および第5.2項または第5.6項に従って当該会員に特別に配分された収入または利得の性質を持つ項目が、第5.2項、第5.6項、および適用される規則が資本勘定の調整について規定している範囲で、加算されます。
(b) 各会員の資本勘定からは、本契約の規定に従って会員として当該会員に分配された現金および会社財産の公正市場価値、当該会員の配分可能な損失分、会社が引き受けた、または当該会員が会社に拠出した財産によって担保された当該会員の負債額、および第5.2項または第5.6項に従って当該会員に特別に配分された費用または損失の性質の項目が引き落とされます。 また、第5.2項、第5.6項、および適用される規則がそのような資本勘定の調整を規定している限りにおいて、第5.2項または第5.6項に従って当該会員に特別に配分される費用または損失の性質を持つ項目。
(c) 資本勘定の維持に関する本協定の規定は、法典第704条(b)に基づく規則に準拠することを意図しており、かかる規則と矛盾しない方法で解釈および適用されます。
(d) 会員は、第6条に規定されている場合を除き、当該会員の資本勘定の一部を引き出したり、会社から分配を受けたりする権利を有しません。また、会員は、ここに明示的に規定されている場合を除き、会社に対して融資や資本拠出を行う権利を有しません。また、本規約に明示的に規定されている場合を除き、会員は当社に対して貸付または資本拠出を行うことはできません。いかなる会員による当社への貸付も、いかなる目的であれ、当社への資本拠出となることはありません。
(e) 本契約または法律で明示的に義務付けられている場合を除き、いかなる会員も、他の会員の資本拠出金の返還義務を負いません。(e) 本契約または法律で明示的に義務付けられている場合を除き、いかなる会員も、他の会員の資本拠出金を返還する義務を負わないものとします。当会社に複数の持分を持つ会員は、所有する持分の種類や、持分を取得した時期や方法に関係なく、すべての持分を反映した単一の資本勘定を持つものとします。
3.5 資本勘定の譲渡。本契約の条項に従って当会社の持分の全部または一部が譲渡された場合、譲受人は、譲渡された当会社の持分に関連する限りにおいて、譲渡人の資本勘定を継承するものとし、本契約において、譲受人であるメンバーの資本拠出または配分もしくは分配への言及には、譲渡された当会社の持分を理由に、譲渡人であるメンバーに対して以前に行われた資本拠出または配分もしくは分配が含まれるものとする。欠損資本勘定。第6.2項(b)に別段の規定がある場合を除き、資本勘定が赤字の会員は、その赤字残高を回復する義務や、その赤字のみを理由とする当社への資本拠出を行う義務を負わないものとします。会員の持分の調整。
(a) 非出資会員の持分の減少。(a) 非出資会員の持分の減少。非出資会員が、第 3 項に従って当該会員に要求される追加資本拠出の全額を行わなかった場合、第 2 項の選択により、非出資会員の持分は減少する。 第 3 項の規定に従い、非出資会員が追加出資の全額を行わなかった場合、 出資会員の選択により、不足額または未払い利息を含む会員ローン残高(以下、 「不履行額」)は帳消しとなり、当社または該当する子会社への出資に変 換される場合があります、 この場合、出資会員は、該当する子会社の清算時および清算までの投資IRRが最も高い子会社の投資家として、当該追加出資を直接投資した場合と同様に、出資金額に対する優先リターンに加え、子会社の有限責任組合員または投資家メンバー(出資会員が選択)に支払われるすべての分配金と同額を追加で受け取ることができます(この段落に従って出資会員に支払われる金額の合計を「追加LPリターン」といいます)。すべての追加LPリターンは、非出資メンバーに支払われる分配金の中から、出 資メンバーに支払われます。上記にもかかわらず、非出資メンバーは、貢献メンバーの要請後10営業日以内に、そのような調整 を効果的に行うために必要な書類を作成し、追加の行動を取るものとします。非出資会員が、かかる10営業日以内にかかる書類を執行せず、またはかかる措置を取らなかった場合、かかる非出資会員は、本契約により、管理者および出資会員(該当する場合、管理者および出資会員またはそれぞれのゼネラルパートナーもしくは会員(およびその役員および取締役)の役員および取締役を含む)のそれぞれを構成し、任命するものとします、 本第3項の前述の規定を実行するために必要または適切な文書を執行、承認、宣誓、交付するために、かかる各会員の名前と代わりに完全な代理権を持つ、かかる非出資会員の代理人として単独で行動するために。 7. 本第3.7項に基づく各会員による委任状の付与は、当該会員の解散または理由の如何を問わず、利害と結びついており、取消不能である。
(b) 譲渡に関する事前の合意なし。本契約の当事者は、メンバーの持分比率を変更する事前の合意、理解、または計画がないこと、および本契約で意図される取引の構造上、そのような変更が予想されないことを認め、同意するものとします。
3.8 会社による融資の禁止。会員の書面による事前の同意がない限り、当社は、直接的または間接的を問わず、会員または会員の関連人物に対し、いかなる形態の貸付または立替も行わず、会員の債務を直接的または間接的に保証または担保することもありません。


