6. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated as follows: | clook law - 契約書のデータベース


6. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated as follows:

at any time by mutual written consent of all Parties;
automatically if the shareholders of the Company fail to approve the Share Purchase before the Outside Date (as defined in the SPA), as the same may be extended pursuant to the SPA, and as a result the SPA is terminated, or if the closing of the Share Purchase does not occur for any reason; and
prior to the closing of the Share Purchase by Investor if the shareholders of the Company fail to approve the Share Purchase before November, by Investor if there occurs a Material Adverse Effect (as defined in the SPA) on the Company, or, by Investor if the Escrow Agreement is not executed (by any party to the Escrow Agreement other than Investor) for any reason on or before the Share Purchase Closing Date.
In the event of termination in accordance with this Section 6, this Agreement shall forthwith become null and void and have no effect, without any liability on the part of any Party and their respective directors, officers, employees, partners, managers, members, or shareholders and, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all rights and obligations of each Party shall immediately cease; provided, however, that nothing contained in this Section 6 shall relieve any Party from liabilities or damages arising out of any actual fraud or willful breach by such party of any of its representations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained in this Agreement prior to termination of this Agreement.
【参考訳】6.終了 本契約は、以下のとおり終了することができる:
(b)当社の株主が、SPA に従って延長されるアウトサイド・デート(SPA に定義される)までに本株式買付を承認せず、その結果 SPA が終了した場合、または本株式買付のクロージングが何らかの理由で行われなかった場合。
本第 6 項に従って終了した場合、本契約は直ちに無効となり、いかなる効力も持たないものとします。本契約に別段の定めがある場合を除き、各当事者の権利および義務は直ちに消滅するものとします; ただし、本第 6 節に含まれるいかなる条項も、本契約の終了前に、本契約に含まれる表明、保証、誓約、または合意に対する、当該当事者による実際の詐欺行為または故意の違反から生じる責任または損害賠償を免除するものではありません。


