3. Seller Representations, Warranties and Acknowledgements. | clook law - 契約書のデータベース


3. Seller Representations, Warranties and Acknowledgements.

(a)           Seller beneficially owns the Shares and has full right, power and authority to: (i) sell, transfer and assign the Shares to the Company pursuant to this Agreement, in each case free and clear of any liens, claims, pledges, options, rights of first offer, rights of first refusal or other encumbrances (collectively, “Liens”); (ii) execute and deliver this Agreement; and (iii) provide the waivers, releases and indemnities contained herein. The Seller further represents and warrants to the Company that: (x) upon consummation of the purchase and sale of the Shares as provided in this Agreement, the Company shall receive good and marketable title to the Shares, free and clear of any Liens, other than any Liens created by the Company; and (y) no consent, approval or authorization of, permit, governmental or regulatory order, declaration or filing (except for filings pursuant to the Exchange Act) with, or notice to any governmental authority or any third party is necessary to be made or obtained by the Seller in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement and with the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, except as has been made, obtained or waived on or prior to the date hereof or where the failure to obtain any such consent, approval, authorization, order or filing would not impair the ability of the Seller to sell the Shares or to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
(b)           The Seller hereby acknowledges that it is aware that the Company may have access to certain material, nonpublic information regarding the Company, its financial condition, results of operations, businesses, properties, assets, liabilities, management, projections, appraisals, plans and prospects that has not been provided to the Seller (the “Information”). Any such Information may be indicative of a value of the Shares that is substantially different from the Purchase Price.
(c)           The Seller represents and warrants to the Company that:
(i)           the Seller is experienced, sophisticated and knowledgeable in trading in securities of private and public companies and understands the disadvantage to which the Seller is subject on account of the disparity of information as between the Company and the Seller;
(ii)          the Seller is (i) an “accredited investor” within the meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and (ii) a “qualified institutional buyer” within the meaning of Rule 144A promulgated under the Securities Act;
(iii)         the Seller is able to bear the economic risks associated with the sale of the Shares;
(iv)         by reason of its business or financial experience or its own independent investigation, the Seller is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the sale of the Shares and of protecting its own interest in connection with the sale of the Shares;
(v)          the Seller has independently, without reliance upon the Company and based upon such information as it deemed appropriate, evaluated the business and financial condition of the Company and made its own analysis and decision to sell the Shares;
(vi)         the Seller has been given the opportunity to consult with its own counsel with respect to this Agreement, that its authorized officers have carefully read and fully understand this Agreement in its entirety and have had it fully explained to them by the Seller’s counsel, that they are fully aware of the terms hereof and their meaning, intent and legal effect (including with respect to tax matters), and that the Seller has executed and delivered this Agreement freely and voluntarily; and
(vii)        the assignment and transfer of its Shares by the Seller to the Company is irrevocable.
(d)           The Seller acknowledges and agrees that the Company is relying upon the Seller’s representations and warranties in this Section 3 in engaging in the Purchase and the Seller agrees to such reliance. The Seller also acknowledges that the Company would not engage in the Purchase in the absence of such representations and warranties.
(e)           Notwithstanding the Company’s possession of the Information and the absence of disclosure thereof to the Seller, the Seller wishes to enter into the proposed transaction. The Seller, to the extent that it is acting as an agent and not as a principal, has fully advised its principal of the foregoing and the risks involved in participating in the proposed transaction.
(f)           Notwithstanding anything that may be expressed or implied in this Agreement, the Seller covenants, agrees and acknowledges that it shall have no recourse hereunder or under any documents or instruments delivered in connection herewith, and no recourse shall be had against any former, current or future director, officer, controlling person, employee, agent, advisor, stockholder, affiliate or assignee of the Company, or any former, current or future director, officer, employee, agent, advisor, general or limited partner, manager, member, stockholder, affiliate or assignee of any of the foregoing, whether by the enforcement of any assessment or by any legal or equitable proceeding, or by virtue of any statute, regulation or other applicable law, it being expressly agreed and acknowledged that no personal liability whatsoever shall attach to, be imposed on or otherwise be incurred by any former, current or future director, officer, controlling person, employee, agent, advisor, stockholder, affiliate or assignee of the Company, as such, for any obligations of the Company under this Agreement, or any of the documents or instruments delivered in connection herewith for any claim based on, in respect of, or by reason of such obligations or their creation.
(g)           The Seller acknowledges that it has not relied upon (and expressly disclaims reliance upon) any express or implied representations or warranties of any nature made by or on behalf of the Company or its affiliates, whether or not any such representations, warranties or statements were made in writing or orally, except for the representations and warranties of the Company as expressly set forth in this Section 3 for the benefit of the Seller.
【参考訳】3.  売り手の表明、保証、および確認
(a) 売主は、本株式を受益的に所有し、以下の完全な権利、権能および権限を有する: (i) 先取特権、請求権、質権、オプション、先買権、先買権、その他の抵当権 (以下、総称して「抵当権」という。) が存在しない状態で、本契約に従って当社に対して株式を売却、譲渡、譲渡する権利、権限、(ii) 本契約を締結、交付する権利、および (iii) 本契約に含まれる権利放棄、免除、補償を提供する権利。売主はさらに、当社に対して以下を表明し、保証する: (x)本契約に定める本株式の売買が完了した時点で、当社は、当社が設定した抵当権以外のいかなる抵当権からも解放された、本株式に対する良好かつ市場性のある所有権を取得する; (y) 売主は、本契約の締結および引渡し、ならびに本契約に企図された取引の実行に関連して、政府当局または第三者に対する同意、承認、認可、許可、政府または規制当局の命令、申告、届出(取引所法に基づく届出を除く)を行う必要はなく、また取得する必要もない、 ただし、かかる同意、承認、認可、命令または提出を取得しなかったとしても、売主が株式を売却する能力または本契約に企図された取引を完了する能力が損なわれない場合はこの限りではありません。
(b) 売主は、当社が、当社、その財務状況、経営成績、事業、不動産、資産、負債、経営陣、予測、鑑定、計画および見通しに関する、売主に提供されていない特定の重要な非公開情報(以下「情報」といいます)を入手できる可能性があることを認識していることをここに承認します。このような情報は、買付価格と実質的に異なる株式の価値を示す可能性があります。
(ii) 売主が、(i) 1933 年証券法(「証券法」)の下で公布されたレギュレーション D のルール 501 の意味における「適格投資家」であり、(ii) 証券法の下で公布されたルール 144A の意味における「適格機関投資家」であること;
(iii) 売主が本株式の売却に伴う経済的リスクを負担できること;
(d) 売主は、当社が買付行為に関与するにあたり、本第3条の売主の表明保証に依拠 していることを認め、これに同意し、売主はかかる依拠に同意する。また、売主は、当社がかかる表明および保証がなければ、買付行為に関与しないことを認める。
(f) 本契約に明示または黙示されているいかなる事項にもかかわらず、売主は、本契約の下で、または本契約に関連して交付された書類や文書の下で、いかなる求償権も持たないことを誓約し、同意し、認めるものとする、 また、当社の元、現在、または将来の取締役、役員、支配人、従業員、代理人、顧問、株主、関連会社、または譲受人、または前述のいずれかの元、現在、または将来の取締役、役員、従業員、代理人、顧問、ゼネラルまたはリミテッドパートナー、マネージャー、メンバー、株主、関連会社、または譲受人に対して、いかなる請求権も有しないものとします、 評価の執行、法的または衡平法上の手続き、または制定法、規制、その他の適用法に基づくか否かを問わず、元、現、または将来の取締役にはいかなる個人的責任も生じないことが明示的に合意され、承認されています、 (g) 売り手は、本契約に基づく当社の義務、または本契約に関連して交付される書類や文書に基づく、またはかかる義務やその発生を理由とする請求について、当社の元、現、または将来の取締役、支配者、従業員、代理人、顧問、株主、関連会社、または譲受人に対して、いかなる個人的責任も付されず、課されず、またはかかる個人的責任が発生しないことを明示的に同意し、了承するものとします。
(g) 売り手は、売り手の利益のために本第 3 条に明示的に記載されている当社の表明および保証を除き、当社またはその関連会社によって、またはその関連会社のために行われた明示的または黙示的ないかなる性質の表明または保証にも、そのような表明、保証、または声明が書面または口頭で行われたか否かにかかわらず、依存していない (および明示的に依存を放棄する) ことを認めます。


